Saturday, February 10, 2007

I also received a recently placed order of Country Home Holiday with Matthew Mead! A wonderful publication filled with eye candy!!! Be sure to visit Matthew Mead for more information. This publication is available until February 13th; when it's gone --- it's gone! Be sure to look for some free projects, ideas, and inspiration while there! What a wonderful website! And Thank you, Matthew for inspiring me!

Yesterday was a great mail day! I received a wonderful birthday card from my online friend, Nancy James Thank You, Nancy! You made my day!

Another goodie was a postcard of Birthday Wishes from my chiropractor's office! I was a bit shocked to received this as I didn't realize that they did such a thing! WTG, Mauk Chiropractic Clinic.

I did take a few pictures to add, however, my camera batteries that came with the camera died so I attempted to charge the new ones I'd purchased along with it, and the battery charger gave out and refuses to charge them. What's up with this? Is it a conspiracy against me adding photographs to my blog? LOL! A new battery charger will be boughten today and I'll add those as soon as I'm able.

I have got to head out the studio here in just a bit. {breakfast has to come first; I'm starving since I didn't cook or eat dinner last night.} I've got to finish up the two swaps so that I can make my way to Post Office on Monday; freeing my time up for other creative endeavors and finishing up a few things. Suppose I should get off this computer, huh?

Although, it hasn't been all bad. I did manage to move some files and photographs off my C: drive onto my D: drive, deleted some things I no longer need, did some computer maintainance, and cleaned out my email! I couldn't believe I found some emails from 2005!!! LOL! I can be bad about that, reading what I want and not deleting the rest so I took care of that already today. I feel lighter, LOL!

I hope this post finds everyone in a great mood today and you have the time to accomplish some of your dreams! Until next time.... [waves]

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