Arriving back at home, smiling and happy with my found treasures, armed with my purse and armload of treasures, I make my way into the house to get me a cup of coffee, kick off my shoes, cover myself with a throw and plop my aching body onto the loveseat, I was then set up to dig through my purchases.
At first, I was giddy with excitement; then as I sat and browsed, my mind began to wonder about who the person that these items once belonged to? What were they like? Did they love cross-stitching, needlepoint, and embroidery as much as I am learning to? Did she {it would be she, wouldn't it?} have other hobbies? Would she be a lot like me, shopping for bargains at clearance aisles and second-hand stores? I bet she would! and I also, bet she'd, whoever she is, would be happy that I sat here finding so much pleasure with my newly found treasures. She would, wouldn't she? Were all these kits and books taken from her stash, collection, or "Textile Ephemera Collection" as Peta Stuart recently called it? ROFLOL! Peta explained that she does not have a stash - the term 'a stash' implies that you are going to use the
things in the stash. It's more of a collection of bits of lace, fabrics, threads, beads and buttons, etc. A collection is just to have because you like it. You Don't have to use it. But, if you do then your collection is no longer complete and you have to find something else to fill that bare spot in your collection"...ROFLOL! She goes on to say, "Art is it's own reason for being and so is a collection." Now, that explains why I needed my fiance's two car heated garage for my paper arts supplies that keeps spilling over into our home once again!
Quickly, I wonder some more, my thoughts returning to the previous owner of these fine things. Did the sweet, wonderful, old {why do I assume she's old?} lady have such a room? a studio? an area to create within? Was it filled with treasures such as these that I discovered today? Did she somehow feel guilty, like I often do, because maybe, just maybe, I should have left somethings for someone else to discover and to be all giddy over? Would the person, whoever she might be, be sitting at home right now wondering these same questions? As I sat, my mind wandered more and more... questions filled my mind and no answers were forth-coming until suddenly I began thinking about all that I have and am so very grateful for. I thought about how I love sharing with others either in supplies or a created item or object, and I suddenly realized that whoever she was and whatever had happened to her, that she'd want me to be happy. She want me to love to cherish and treasure them just as she once did. Regardless of whether I used them, shared them with family and friends, or added them to my growing collection! That, my friends, made me smile a little bit bigger and brightened my meandering thoughts.
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