I worked adding a few more patches to my crazy quilt throw last Saturday morning. I'm almost to the right edge and will have the center of the 50" x 60" quilt completed. I didn't realize that I would be returning to the workforce full-time when I began this project, so it is taking me some time to get adjusted to my new crazy schedule and back to working on it. I intentionally have left some small bare spots of the muslin backing showing here and there to be covered with some smaller scraps at a later date or perhaps some appliqued design details. My goal is to still continue working on this quilt, hopefully having it pieced together before the winter month's set in so I can focus my attention to adding all of the decorative stitching along the seams and in some of the patches.

On Thursday evening, Don and I took a road trip to the Dutch Heritage Restaurant and Gift shop, where there are a lot of Amish created quilts for sale and on display. One quilt in particular captured my attention with it's wonderful sun-washed fabrics, a mixture of a variety of width strips, with a ruffled border between them. The following day, I received the current Gooseberry Patch catalog in the mail featuring the above quilt so I "borrowed" the image from their website to illustrate a possible option for the binding of my own crazy quilt throw. {If you remember, I was previously drawn to the Prairie Point binding until I realized the number of squares I'd need to cut, LOL!} This option, I believe, will be a bit easier and accent my own more Victorian in nature throw, even with its more primitive and country homespun appearance. I believe it could be beautifully achieved in a crazy quilt patched border adding yet another design feature. So there is something else to consider, cherish, and love.... {*smiles}
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