Tuesday, April 08, 2008


This is our two and a half year old "puppy", Chaos. I mention him every so often here on my blog, talking abut his misadventures and shenanigans, but haven't been so good at posting photographs of him so I thought that I'd share this one captured earlier today.

I believe the last time I posted about him was when he was still a cute, adorable little puppy, slip sliding around on our hardwood floors. As you can tell, he has grown a lot since then, but I can assure you "the puppy" is still there! It's hard to believe when you see him in a rare, calm moment like this that he is actually a mini-hurricane and there's a reason for that old saying, "let sleeping dogs lie" and "A tired lab is a good lab!"

"Are you taking a photograph of me?" Is his thought for about one second...

then, the tail-wagging begins....
His entire body begins swaying back and forth, and the wriggling begins,
Look! He's so happy for some attention....
{you'd think he never gets any the way he acts}

Next, is the running around in circles, barking, and attempting to jump on me...
it's time to put the camera away...
Say "Good-bye, Chaos!"

Isn't he precious?

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