Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The weather in Ohio today...

is yucky! Severe thunderstorms... heavy rains, thunder and lightning. At least until 3 p.m. so says the weatherman. I slept later than my "normal" early rising pattern of late, all I can figure it must be the rain we've had the last several nights. Somehow, those storms make me sleep better which is something I really needed.

Today, I feel rested, relaxed, refreshed. Ready to meet the day..... and all that I should be doing and striving for or towards. I'm planning to head out to the studio here in a bit, after the rain dies down just a bit. I left my umbrella out there the last time I visited while it was raining, only to have it stop while I was there, and I forgot to bring it back in. Oh, such is life! I don't mind a gentle rain, or even getting a little wet for that matter, but this heavy stuff would certainly soak me to the bones if I tried to get out there. So, I'm waiting out the storm. My intentions are to unload the large bag from my Container Store purchases and begin working on setting up my office area. If time allows, I would like to get back to organizing the studio more since I now have 3 additional embellishment containers to fill. I'm excited to finally be able to get back to what I enjoy doing --- creating art! and I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Anyways, I'll try to update more later! and I'm hoping for an opportunity to add some photographs soon! {I promise...*smiles*}

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