Monday, June 19, 2006

Some good points for consideration...

One of the good points is that I've been needing to do a lot of these things regardless of whether I decide the work the consignment or not. Some of the things, even though I hadn't originally planned to get them accomplished as quickly as I will now need to, I had intended to set aside time to work on these areas regardless between the submisison process.

Some of those things are:
  • writing up my class descriptions,
  • establishing my prices for the classes,
  • determining what will be offered in each class,
  • determining the class size limits that I'll be able to teach effectively,
  • what supplies I'll include,
  • what supplies will be optional, yet available for purchase
  • establishing the dates and times of those classes
  • determining what the days and times I'll desire off
  • hours of operation, along with open studio time

Thankfully, I've done some of this before so that experience will be helpful to me. I already have a list of my previous classes that I've taught. Some I have class descriptions written up, along with my teaching instruction sheets and master handouts I've written. Those are ready to be copied as those class approaches when I established a time frame for them. I have my supply lists typed up and will need to double check that I have everything available to repeat them.

I'm smart enough to know that there is a lot of preparation work in the preparation for classes and I know I'll have to plan that in right along with cleaning the studio after. I know I won't be able to at this point in time to work at this full-time, so I intend to come up with a happy medium, that will allow me to offer one class with a day and evening class schedule. I will also need to establish some open studio times for my clientele. I will also need to mix some easier classes in with some of the more extensive bookart ones. I also believe that I should start small offering a variety of classes but limit myself to no more than 2-3 per week. I say this because it is easier to schedule in a class than it is to cancel one! It also allows me some breathing room for that one client who prefers a one on one class, just teacher and instructor. I know I will desire some free studio time, exclusive to my own personal use, to use for my enjoyment and submission process. Thankfully, I've some classes written written up that I've yet to teach. Those will definately save me some time later in the event that I prove to be successful at this.

I know that I've just touched on the tip of the iceburg here. There are a variety of things I've yet to consider and to make decisions on. The season play a huge role in this as summer is always a slower time of year as family and friends are having more get togethers, there's weddings, graduations, birthdays, and vacations to figure in, both ours and my clientele's. Fall is when things really pick up; and Winter, after the holidays. As Spring begins to roll around things seem to slow down once more as the weather warms up and school comes to an end. But anyways, I'm going to get at it, I've much to do! {*smiles}

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