Friday, August 04, 2006

Where my thoughts have been....

Lately, I've been in a "nesting" stage, maybe it's from all the "cabin fever" that we've been experiencing from the recent heat wave, but whatever the reason is... I'm lovin' it! My mind has been racing with thoughts and ideas for our home, and I've been one heck of a cleaning and cooking mood, which as Martha Stewart would say is, "a good thing!" {At least Don is believing so...}

Over the years, we done quite a bit of major home remodeling and bigger decorating projects like painting walls, purchasing the wood flooring for our living room {which has yet to be laid as we're saving for the underlayment. Maybe we could have purchased it many times over already, if we'd stop some of the traveling and purchases here and there, but what fun would that be? LOL!} I guess, my point is that now my mind is spinning with ideas that I have for what I envision our home to be in all "the little details" that make it uniquely ours.

So, I intend to begin focusing more of my attention to doing just that. Focusing on the little things, one area at a time, every day. Whether it is something as simple as decorating our bedside tables, the top of our dressers, lining a dresser drawer one at a time, clearing a cluttered area, cleaning and dusting and decorating it, today I'm making a commitment to myself to start; even if it is only one area at a time, I figure within a week I can have an entire room or a piece of furniture completed! making our home more warmer and more cozier. {I've always heard that it takes only 21 days to make something a habit, so this should be easy to do, even on days when our schedules are busier, such as Don's day's off; surely, I can tackle something small!}

Maybe I should take a picture with my digital camera as I complete this endeavor and add it to my blog. I may make me a bit more accountable and commited to doing instead of simply thinking and talking about doing it. And, who knows, I may encourage someone else to start making their home a sanctuary surrounded by the beautiful things they love!

Well, I better scoot! and go get started, besides I've still a few new gratitude garland links to create today. I've already a few gratitudes written in a list that has been added to. {*until my next post, *Ta.Ta.*}

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