Well, we paid for it and have yet to pick it up. As I previously mentioned it will be going to the backroom of the store until such a time comes when we can afford to have Gary, our electrician, add 220 to the carport. Thankfully, when we designed my studio we planned for a bit of updating with a new electrical box with plenty of whatever it is that allows you to add more to it, LOL! How's that for "technical terminology?" LOL! Anyways, last night while we were out, we ran into Annie who found the kiln for us and she is going to hook us up with molds, glazes, catalogs, paintbrushes, ect. I'm so excited!
Annie has been a friend of Don's for over 30 years and unfortunately she is terminally ill. Last night she made a comment about someone enjoying her things and it made me so sad. I couldn't help but think and feel how that must feel and I thought more about my own art supplies, ect. It was then that I really realized that there is no way my offspring could even begin to store all that I have and that I hope they choose their favorites and a few of my favorites as heirlooms and whatever is left, either sell or give away to bring someone pleasure.
Recently in a discussion, something similar in nature was brought up by Lianne. She said that her art is a gift and should be used to bring pleasure to someone else. I love that and ya know, she is so right! Right now, I am excited about obtaining Annie's things, knowing that they once gave her pleasure and brought happiness into her life and I'm certain knowing Annie, to the lives of so many others. So, I made a decision that should we obtain her molds and supplies, I want to share them with others. So, don't be surprised if some of you find some bisqued 3D items in your mailboxes or possibly more supplies than I am able to store, LOL! Of course, I first have to learn how to pour and mold and release them...
One of my dreams is to one day see an Art Center here in my hometown. I wish I knew more about grant writing, obtaining funding, and such... I'd so love to be involved in something of this nature that would assist promoting artists, especially children to explore their creative sides. Ahhh, if only time and money where of no consquence..... but until that comes, I'll just have to discover alternative ways to do my part with making my knowledge and artwork a gift to others.
And speaking of gifts, can I talk about RAK's? RAK, for those who may stumble across it here, are Random Acts of Kindness. The can be anything that you kindly do to make the day of someone else but in the art world it is usually a piece of artwork or mail art, if you will, that you give away. I've been in groups that we set up especially for this purpose and I've dropped out of them. One of the reasons was that sending a RAK was mandatory once a month... now I'm fine with the "logic" behind that concept to some extent. It prevents one from receiving only and not giving but on the other hand, it kind of took the meaning of being an RAK into being an obligation. Does that make sense? Anyways, sort of feeling that way, and the time and money constraints that it put on my personal creativity, I had to give those groups up although I miss a lot of the group's members. I also finally came to the realization that I cannot participate in each and every swap that I feel interested to participate in. It is sort of like seeing artwork online, or reading about other artist's new purchases of stamps and supplies, you gotta realize that this is many artists and not just one of them, LOL!
Anyways, I finally realized that and I've been happier since. Of course there is that sense of wishing I had more time, more money, more resources to do more RAK'ing and swapping... unfortunately, the reality is I cannot. So, I'm learning to start setting some priorities, determing what is truly important to me, and narrowing it down to where I can participate yet not get so bogged down that I'm neglecting my own art creations. I think that I may have stumbled upon a way to still participate in some of these without a lot of time and money involved but for now, I need to find the time and a way to juggle it all. Hopefully, then I'll have it made and will be able to participate more.
I guess what I am trying to say, is if anyone has sent me something, please know I haven't forgotten your kindness, your thoughtfulness, and that it was gracefully and thankfully received. I promise as I work out things within my own life, I'll return the favor either to you or to others.
oh, (((HUGS))) to you and prayers for your friend. I'm sure it is such a comfort to her that you will be using her treasures. I think you are one of the kindedst and most generous spirits out there! Don't ever feel that you don't give enough. There are times to give and times to re-build.
You ever feel like you just want to reach out and hug someone? Well, this is one of those times. {*smiles} Lianna, you always know the right things to say at just the right time! Sending "cyber-hugs" and a Thank you to you! I am so loving that "there are time to give and times to re-build." I'll going to write that on my chalkboard in my studio --- with your name on it --- just to remind me.
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