Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Life comes at you FAST........

So, there you have it..... an update on my life in my little corner of the world.

LR remodeling, studio organizing, health issues with fiance...... which by the way throws a huge wake up call at you. We go back to McConnell Health Heart Hospital on Wednesday next week. Don will have yet another stent put in an artery that is 75% blocked now. He tells me the procedure itself isn't bad. I guess I'll have to take his word for it, I personally, don't care to find out!!!!

However, in light of all this, life is good! I'm accomplishing... well okay, working to accomplish! many of my hopes, dreams, and goals that I've established for myself. And, as if I needed anyting else to do, I'm seriously considering some sort of physical exercise and activity for myself. Before my car accident in May of 1999, I worked out a lot. Tae.Bo. I loved it! I lost weight, felt and looked great, and had so much more energy than I currently do now. I also want to get out of the house more this summer. Long walks, hiking, taking some field trips with my watercolor journal, camera in tow, and possibly establishing a Letterbox in a park that was recently opened. I've been desiring to do that........

Letterboxing is great for rubberstamper's and mixed media artists. Similar to geochaching.... without the need to own a GPS unit. More information can be found at

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