Friday, February 04, 2005

Scrapbook Basics

I'm posting this in response to Erra's comment regarding how to get started in scrapbooking.

I'd have to say that the main difference between creating scrapbooks and other paper arts is that scrapbooking requires archival properties in the components used to create it. A general rule of thumb is to look for achival products that are acid-free and lignin-free. Using cardstock, printed papers, adhesives, and inks that are archivally safe prevents the breakdown and deterioration of one's photographs. Although, the fine line between creating scrapbooks and other paper arts is narrowing as far as archival qualities are concerned. Many people who create scrapbooks are not as concerned with the archival quality but more of an artistic outlet for their creativity.

If you'd like to email me @ I'd be more than happy to email you with some information that I use for my begining scrapbook classes and could possibly send you supplies to get started. I really need to purge through some of my supplies and what a better excuse could I find to actual get to doing it? {smile}

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