Sir Winston Churchill once said "Everyone stumbles over the truth from time to time, but most people pick themselves up and hurry off as though nothing ever happened."
In fact, I, myself have been know to do just exactly that from time to time. It has a name and it is called "denial."
But for a moment, I'd like you to take a look at the truths that you believe about yourself and others in your lives. Are you the person you desire to be or are you reaching and striving to be the person you know in your heart you can become? What about the people who you associate with? Are they the people you desire them to be? Are they supportive of you, encouraging you onward and upward? Do you find their wrath amusing and funny as long as it aimed towards someone else? Do you realize that you discovered upon this truth either about yourself or someone else to provide you with the opportunity for change and growth? You are going to change and grow, aren't you? Some may answer not now, but the reality is that sooner or later they will actually be forced to. It is actually inevitable in some ways because nothing ever really truly stays the same way.
n my lifetime, I've had a wide variety of friends over the years, some who are tried and true to me who'd walk throught fire to get me if they had to, and others who wouldn't spit on me if myself were on fire. But the choice of who I desire to remain tried and true with is a personal decision and I will only be burnt once. Life is simply to short to surround myself with toxic people, people who only desire to knock me down so that they can stand on my back to make themselves look good. And if anyone believes that such a person wouldn't do that to you, stick around them long enough and discover for yourself what will happen when they've no one else to play victim to them! Lord forbid you should ever stand up for yourself and/or what you believe in, let alone follow your own heart! Try it and see what happens.....
I myself choose to be associated with people who build me up, who will walk in when the world walks out. People who are proud to call me their friend and aren't ashamed to stand up for me when I am not there to defend myself. And speaking of defending myself, the best way is sometimes to know enough when it is time to and when it isn't worth the effort........
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