Saturday, July 22, 2006

I've started on my gratitude garland!

I began working on my gratitude garland yesterday and these will be the first three links in the chain. The first on has a defination of the word "believe" and I wrote that I am grateful for God's divine presence and intervention in my life. The second has a piece of a measuring stick sticker for the immeasurable moments of my life on which I mounted the letter "I"; another definition, this time the word, "cherish" for the ability to cherish and to contain so much love within my heart. I added the letter "R" to a circle tag sticker for two special people in my life: Rebecca and Don - the "R" was perfect since it is also the initial of Don's last name: Reams. The third link in my gratitude chain features a key because I honestly believe "Love" is the most important element in life. I added another piece of a measuring stick sticker with a number "1" to represent me along with the handwritten words "am grateful for" and another definition, this time I choose the word "Love" (luv) a strong, deep, affection and devotion for another, unconditional and unexplained. I also made this link in the chain a 1/2" longer, having decided that I don't want to limit myself to only the 1" x 6" size, I felt like the subject deserved a bit of great respect so I created it that way. I think some of my additional links will be a bit wider and longer whenever the urge to create them that way emerges. {smiles}

1 comment:

Godelieve said...

Cathy, what a wonderful project you're doing here!
I'll have to come back, to see how it goes on :)
Thanks for sharing this!