Yesterday was a great day! I sat around exploring on the computer, did a bit of research for a project for my sis, got comfy and cuddly on the couch while watching a movie until I had to get ready for a dinner out with some of Don's friends, whom I've only met briefly once before.
We went to the White Swan for dinner. Don and I have driven past there and always thought we'd like to try their food but somehow always seem to forget about the place. We had excellent dinners, I had steak, baked potatoe, and a salad while Don had an all you can eat pollock. He loves his fish!
This is the first time we've ever went out with this couple. Don knows them both from the store and the suggestion to go and do this sometime was made almost a year ago. Today, Cathy, yes, another Cathy, came in and invited us out. Don had her call me to see what my plans were and although I had originally thought I'd make salmon patties, fried potatoes, and sweet peas for our dinner, I agreed to go anyways. Why does it usually seem to happen that way? You make plans then something else comes up?
Cathy and Tommy were quite interesting, to say the least. She was very interested in me scrapbooking, saying she had tried it and it was time-comsuming and that she should just drop her photographs off to me and have me create the pages for her. LOL! Like, yeah, that's going to happen! I did invite her over to visit my studio but I'm not doing anything for free....
It ruffles my feathers just a bit, as it always does, when others expect me to simply give away the knowledge I have or to use that knowledge to create something for them. Hello! I can understand some of it but I don't have to agree with that concept and if you want my "expert" opinion and/or skills, shouldn't I be compensated for those? and why do people always assume that since I am not currently working outside of our home that I have all this "free" time to just do what they want me to do? I get the same 24 hours in a day just like they do to accomplish my own personal goals and desires and there are a lot of responsibilities and obligations that go along with this arrangement that is often overlooked. I believed I handled the situation gracefully however when I simply laughed outloud!
Anyways, for the most part, dinner was enjoyable. Yes, we had a few awkward moments of silence and not knowing what to say next, so I sat and let Don do the majority of the talking, LOL! Works for me..... at least until we're on a subject I feel comfortable enough to share in the conversation. Don is definately more of an open person than I am; were as I tend to sit back and observe first. I guess I'm a bit more wiser and choosier when it comes to choosing the company that I desire to keep. The occasion dinner out, is something I can do, but I'm not to certain where else this may lead. You know how when you first meet someone, impressions are formed, and you can pretty much judge their character. You either click or don't..... anyways, I suppose this left me just sort of lukewarm, but hey! I was friendly.
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