I've been desiring to get some of my own stamping supplies {stamps and inks} closer to my stamping table, as my current stamp cabinet it is located across the room. Unfortunately the layout of the room doesn't lend itself to moving either (without hours of time, effort, and figuring it all out}. So, when Godelieve first posted hese Storage Trays here that she creates, I thought how perfect! I do have a pair of bookcases that are located close at hand, with plenty of shelves that could hold these style of storage trays. These would definately be an affordable solution for me; not to mention, how darling they are!!! So, I immediately showed them to Don. We discussed how easily they could be created, materials that were used, and how inexpensive they would be to create. Little did I know that the information I provided him would actually stick!
On a recent trip to Lowe's, Don picked me up a bundle of 6 8'x1x2's. They have been tucked in our carport and I was recently informed of them being there. On that trip, he had also noticed that Lowes was carrying a nice selection of Dremel tools. Since he was uncertain about what I actually had and needed, he decided to seek my advice, which surprised me again !!! Luckily, I'd recently made some notes regarding some of my Dremel tools that were being under utilized for one reason or another: having no Rotary drill bits, the press currently being unassembled, ect. so I was prepared when
he suggested that we make a trip to Lowe's last night to purchase what I needed.
Now, I am certainly excited about getting my studio whipped back into shape! I was blessed with a new set of collets and rotary drill bits! I'm intending to set up my Multi-purpose Drill and a Drill press so that they can be utilized by setting them up near my bookbinding station. This will make creating some new books a breeze by speeding up that process. I'll actually be able to drill through stacks of paper and book covers!
My Rotary tool and new bits will be used to create me a long desired "Partly Paper" sign to hang outside. I've desired for one for such a long, long time. And, the Saw with the Flex Shaft, and a 120 piece accessory tote from years of Christmas requests and gift-giving will certainly be getting a work out as well! I'm thinking I may be able to use them to widen some of the slats I'm unable to use in my CD cases for storing CD's of unmounted stamps! Now if that doesn't inspire and motivate me to get my butt in the studio, I not sure what will!!! Maybe the new Stanley Miter Box, 12' tape measure and saw that can be utilied for framing? Yep! I got one of those, too!
My mind is racing thinking about all the cool new possibilities that just opened for me. Having the tools that I need at my disposal when I need them is just the fire I needed to get the sparks of my imagination ignited! I'm on my way to building the studio of my dreams!!!! Would you like to come along? I've definately been blessed and 2007 is promising to be the beginning a very good year!!!! {*big smiles*}
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