This is looking in to the right from the door as you enter my studio. The cabinet to the left is the showcase cabinet that I am desiring to add two 12" wide and 28" long glass shelves to. Glass will allow the lights to shine through so that some of my smaller pieces of artwork can be displayed on them, while larger handmade books can fill the bottom.
Unfortunately, I do not have electrical access to this area although there is an outlet behind the bookcases. I'm thinking I'll run an extension cord and duct tape it to the floor since the lights will not always be in use. This will also allow me some access for doing some additional art techniques such as heat embossing or soldering glass slides.
The bottom of the center island will eventually be capped off and cove base added to dress this up a bit more. Thankfully, cove base isn't expensive --- I need 28' feet of it!!!
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