Monday, March 12, 2007

Today was a bit of mix...

of activity and rest all rolled into one. I had a chiropractor appointment this morning, we ate breakfast out, stopped to pay our telephone bill, a quick stop into our Dollar Tree store, and we headed over to my parents to discuss the Jeep with Dad some more. We returned home, picked up just a bit, played with Chaos, and took a nap. It seems neither Don or I can keep up lately.... or the recent resting I've been doing has become a habit, LOL! I woke to the telephone ringing and shortly afterwards Amber and I were our shopping for shoes. Don was a sweetheart and cooked us up a nice spaghetti dinner while I was gone and before he headed in to work this evening. Feeling a little guilty... wanting something to do but nothing too strengthous, I worked on my Crazy Quilt!

Here is what I've done so far:
I had to add the classic spider web and spider, so I started off with it first. Next, I added the buttonhole stitch around the blue satin, sewed on some pink trim, added some bead trim and the pink ruffle on the right is actually a very pretty ribbon that I scrunch up with a basting stitch and tucked here and there along the seam. I'm excited to practice some new to me stitches on some adia cloth or muslin before actually working more on my actual journal cover. So far, I'm loving this and am excited to keep creating upon it and working on even more!

1 comment:

NormaH said...

Looking good Cathy. You're a quick learner. Doing the TAST Challenge is helping me with learning new ways of doing familiar stitches as well as learning new stitches. If you want to take a look try:
Sharon B.'s
Take A Stitch Tuesday Challenge or inaminuteago