After a wonderful visit with my parents, Don and I headed out to the Good Wives Co. on Cascade Drive. I had only been in their store once before, after seeing an open house scheduled in a local paper. The store is an amazing place and the women there were ever so helpful to me.
When we arrived, I was greeted warmly and was asked if I needed any assistance, although both of them were quite busy. One with a sales representative from a major fabric company, while the other two were assisting two ladies in determining yardage for a quilt or wallhanging, I assumed. I explained that I am in the process of shopping for fabrics to create a crazy quilt throw for my studio and was desiring to browse. This allowed everyone a bit of freedom to go about what they were doing while I soaked in all the eye candy the shop had to offer. And eye candy it was! Beautiful quilts and appliqued wallhangings were on display almost everywhere you looked.... hanging on walls, displayed in nooks and crannies throughout the fabric and notions. I was wishing I had thought to have brought my camera along but that would have been a bit intrusive, LOL!
Anyways, I ventured over to a wall cubby filled with fat quarters of reproduction and homespun fabrics. Before arriving I got to thinking that fat quarters would be a good way to obtain a variety of fabrics, although a more expensive way to quilt, but that didn't stop me from looking. Next, I noticed some quilt block samplers or possibly even applique block samplers that were pre-packaged with fat quarters, I assumed anyways. Perhaps, they were even blocks of the month, I really didn't know. As Don had ventured in with me and by this time, he was looking like a mouse caught up in a mousetrap being surrounded by crazed women talking about quilting like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I felt a bit sorry I'd asked him to tag along but not enough to leave before I obtained what I had ventured in after. {grin} Deciding since I am desiring a create a throw, maybe I'd be better off purchasing a half yard of fabric instead of fat quarters, I continued to look at bolts of fabrics, choosing my color palette and patterns carefully. I figured I could add to them as I begin and not break the bank in the process. As I pulled some of the bolts out towards me to look at the colors and patterns more closely, I immediately noticed a huge difference in the quality of the fabrics offered here over what I have previously been purchasing at JoAnn's and WalMart. I learned in a hurry that you get what you paid for, even with my limited sewing experience. You could immediately see and feel the difference in quality and I knew the prices would be a bit higher than what I've been paying. But I also knew that if I was going to put this much time and effort into hand sewing a crazy quilt, I wanted good quality fabrics. Somewhere in the back of my mind creep in the thought, I only hope I can do them justice.
As the ladies finished up with their customers and I was making my fabric selections, one of the ladies assisted me with choosing one last fabric selection. The picture above is what I had choosen and together we decided to add to the green to provide some contrast and help pull those I'd already choosen together. {The brown velvet was previously purchased at JoAnn's --- but I'm desiring to add some of it to my throw.) The other lady {I'm sorry, I didn't think to ask for names and most likely wouldn't have remembered them anyways, :)} commented on that she liked what I had already choosen and though that they'd work beautifully together. We all continued chatting as my fabric was being cut and I continued to shop --- picking up a Bohn Slip Stop Thimble designed for patchwork. Since I am considering to hand sew this quilt together and I know that my embroidery will be done by hand, I was shown a needlepuller and added it to my intended purchases. As we continued talking, I was told a little bit about history of the name of the company, how they will be featured in an upcoming issue of Better Homes and Gardens Quilting magazine for the top 10 places to shop, and informed about some classes that will soon be added to store. {I was offered to sign up for their newsletter to obtain more information on those.} We also discussed quilt batting... and I learned something new that I wasn't aware of. I'd picked up some Warm and Natural Quilt batting previously, and the store owner mentioned to me that it should be washed prior to using. Even one of the ladies that worked there wasn't aware of that, so I didn't feel like a complete beginner, LOL! I was also provided with a sample of batting, that was recommended to me for hand quilting. I was told it was wonderful for hand sewing and that my needle would go through it like butter. I cannot wait to experiment some with it. I felt great about my decision to visit the store. It was warm and inviting, and I was provided a short tutorial on an applique technique which I'm also desiring to try. I knew in my heart that I'd made the right decision visiting this store. The ladies were so helpful to me, answered some questions that I had, listened to me when I said I'm so very new to all of this and of course, very excited at obtaining a new and continuing customer, I'm sure.
On our way home, I was giddy with excitement! Thrilled beyond belief and the possibility of taking some classes, Oh My! You know I'd love to. The excitement of my visit still hasn't worn off and I'm awaiting receipt of my first newsletter informing of me of their classes. I know I'd love to learn how to create some of the beautiful quilts and wallhangings that I saw there. I do believe I'd died and gone to heaven!
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