Remember my comment about a local factory hiring? Well, today, I have an orientation meeting with the company at 9:30 a.m. I'm excited! So, there is the possibility that I could be returning to work soon. I applied for a full-time, first shift, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. position and after the meeting, I might know more. I've a feeling its going to be a very busy end of the week around here, spent cleaning and making preparations for my return to work as well as for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend. Last night, we visited with Dennis and Sheila and may go over and camp out in the woods behind their house on Saturday night. Of course, the weather will play an important part in that decision.
My charm packs also came in the mail yesterday and Man, are they ever beautiful! I cannot wait to actually begin working on some small crazy quilt projects. Of course, I'm desiring to continue adding a few blocks to my crazy quilt throw, as well, so maybe I'll make the actual stitching on some small projects a reward for adding some blocks to the throw. My goal is to have the throw completely pieced so that I can begin embellishing it throughout the winter months. Since it is quite a large project, 50"x60", I'm certain that the decorative stitching on it will take me some time to complete, so having the small projects will hopeful keep me practicing my stitching and learning some new ones and striving for some patterns using them. Sheila asked me if I'd consider decorating up a pair of jeans for her at a later date, so that should help me some too.
I, also, received Linda's Deco in the mail from Mary. It is so beautiful! that I am at a complete loss for inspiration. Her theme is "A Mother's Love"so it shouldn't be too difficult to decide upon something. Also, I'd thought that I previously mailed Mary decos, only to discover that I'd laid it down and placed some fabric scraps on top of it. So, it is still here. My goal was to get it in the mail yesterday, but the employment opportunity changed that so my new goal for this is to work in Linda's deco and get the two of them sent to her together by the end of this week. I think I can make it... the house really isn't too bad that it would me a lot of time to clean it.
So, that's my update... I'm uncertain at this point how much time I'll have available to blog, check in with groups, and a few of my favorite message boards in the upcoming weeks ahead but I'll try to stay in touch.
And, sis, if you read this.... try to give me a telephone call. I need to take our cell phone in to be serviced. I'm not sure if you've gotten your internet back up and running after the storms you had in your area, but I'll try to call sometime this weekend to let you know what's what with us. So, until then.... *ta... ta...*
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