Tuesday, July 08, 2008

CED ~ 2008 - Re-connecting...

On Sunday, Don and I had a wonderful day re-connecting with an old friend. I loved sitting and catching up with Elainia, celebrating her recent marriage to the love of her life, Chip. The good news is that Chip and Don seemed to have hit it off just as good, if not better than Elainia and I do, something that I believe is hard to come by with couples.

Unfortunately, my esophageal reflux acted up and we had to cut our visit off, but we made promises to get together again soon. I'd love to have them visit with us here to see what we've done to our home over the past few years and share in our lives.

While we were visiting, Elainia gifted me with this hand embroidered tapestry. I almost cried when she gave to it me and if you can read it, you can imagine what she said. I have an idea for framing it and hanging it within our home. I know that I'll cherish it forever!

Thank you, Girlfriend! It's perfect! and I'll remember you every time I look at it!

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