Yesterday, I sorted and packaged up the results of the Row House swap. I'm happy to say that this swap is currently winging its way home for each of the swap participants. Each of them made my responsibility as their swap hostess a pleasurable experience as the communication, inquiries, and their sense of obligation to follow through with this was amazing! I'd definitely host another swap with this group of women in the future, but for now I'm perfectly content for a while to focus my attention onto some of my own personal desires in my art-filled journey. Even if I must admit that this swap really got me re-interested in creating art once again.
Over the course of the past several days, my thoughts have been on what I desire to achieve within the pages of my sketchbook, so I have been continuing to sketch on a daily basis. On the 2oth, I realized that I'd love to learn, or teach myself, how to draw or sketch anything, anywhere, so I'm attempting to do some really quick sketches using items that are scattered around our home.
Over the course of the past several days, my thoughts have been on what I desire to achieve within the pages of my sketchbook, so I have been continuing to sketch on a daily basis. On the 2oth, I realized that I'd love to learn, or teach myself, how to draw or sketch anything, anywhere, so I'm attempting to do some really quick sketches using items that are scattered around our home.

My favorite so far with that one is a large cranberry vase that is filled with three silk greenery stems with tropical style leaves. Then, I attempted to sketch Don's chair. It was a challenge as the chair is at an odd angle from where I was sitting on the love seat attempting to sketch it and adding in the textured, floral fabric that it is currently covered in. I think it's a good sketch considering those two things and the fact that I've attempted to draw a chair before. All I can really say is... "Yes! I did it!" and "No. I don't want to do it ever again." LOL!
Since it has been a few days since I sketched that chair, looking back now, I can see now a few things that I could have corrected like the angle of the two of the arms of the chair and the depth of the opposite arm where the cushion of the back of the chair forms. So, it has been a wonderful learning experience.

This evening, I sketched a picture that hangs in our living room. It is a picture of a partial stone garden bench that holds a concrete urn filled with peonies as another peony bush hides one end of the bench. I colored it in with colored pencils attempting to introduce a variety of colors to the shaded areas to suggest depth; to create an area of light and shade that you'd see in sunlight and shadows within nature; and in the peony blossoms, I incorporated three colors - a tint, true color, and a shade. All and all, I like it! I attempted to capture pictures last night but the light wasn't right, so I scan them in today.

I've also been thinking that I'd like to browse some books on sketching on our next trip to Barnes & Nobles. Just to see what is out there that may or may not be of any assistance to me. Another consideration has been the purchasing of a fountain pen. Since I'm new to all of this sketching and working in a sketchbook, I want to be sure that 1.} It's something that I believe I'll stick with for awhile and 2.} what I'd desire in a fountain pen. So far, I believe I'd like for it to be refillable and I think I'd like to use India ink so that my sketches could be watercolored, so I'm doing some research on those things. Of course, I won't be able to watercolor in this book, as it isn't watercolor paper, but a sketchbook paper with what appears to be working for now. I'd appreciate anyone thoughts and suggestion on either of these two items if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions to share. So far, my research tells me fountain pens and India ink aren't compatible, so perhaps with my limited experience, I'll see what alternative options are available.
Other than that, Don and I doing good. We've been focusing our attention on spending time together and areas in and outside of our home. I'm intending to spend my evening cleaning as we're hoping to make a road trip on Wednesday, if the weather co-operates. We've had a heat wave of 90 degree weather the past several days and yesterday, thunderstorms and rain were expected. Which hopefully, will cool down these high temps! Well, I'm off of here as I'm desiring to get going, I gotta make that trek out to the studio to search and gather up those supplies I've been intending to put into my traveling sketchbook case, as well as look for some of the brochures I've gathered from our travels into Amish country as that is were we're hoping to head once again.
I do not know if I'll attempt any sketching on this trip, but I'm hoping to at least remember to charge my camera batteries and bring it along! We'll chat soon.....
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