Don and I had a fantastic time celebrating Labor Day weekend with a couple of our friends. On Sunday, we spent the early evening chatting it up out on the deck while steaks cooked slowly on the grill. Our menu consisted of a wonderful tossed salad, T-bone and ribeye steaks, baked potatoes, and corn. All this seemed to work so easily as we all pitched in wherever needed. We didn't feature a dessert as all of us would have been too full to eat it.
After enjoying the warmth of the day while in the shade, dining in style, we cleaned up briefly before moving inside to sit down at the kitchen table to play a few games of Euchre, while drinking a bit more wine. I don't know what time it was when we all decided to throw in the towel, but I'm certain a great time was had by all! I don't believe I've ever laughed so much in my life! and my friends, we've got to do this again! Soon....
On Sunday, Don and I puttered around cleaning up any remaining evidence from the night before, then decided to take a short road trip and have a nice, quiet, enjoyable evening out. Before leaving town, we made a quick stop into Hobby Lobby so I could pick up a few items I desire to use in my altered book. Afterwards, we were cruising down the highway and on our way to Carrabba's Italian Grill. {No cooking for this chick!} We recently dined at a local Italian place, but let me tell you, there's no comparison between the two.... Carrabba's has got to be my favorite Italian restaurant. Anyways, after a wonderful dinner, a quick stop into Barnes & Nobles for my magazine feticsh, we enjoyed the ride back towards home. As we travelled down the road, we thought we may as well stop and pick up our Spiderback chairs. Aren't those gorgeous? I fell in love in with them as soon as I had seen them.

Apparently the store employees loved them as well, as jokes were made as to who was going to take them home and one employee stated she'd "guarded them with her life", LOL!
Yes, I'm aware that I've probably commited at least 24 of HGTV's Top 25 Decorating Mistakes while attempting to put this room together. Everything from using fake flowers and plants, too many pillows on the sofa, knick-knack overload, ignoring the windows with my curtain rods and curtains "not hanging high enough", to the pushed back furniture and the outdated paneling. Others would include, a lack of traffic flow, lopsided furnishings, and ignoring the foyer but what I've noticed is that they aren't decorating a 11'6"' x 30' rectangular box like I am, LOL! and in a ranch home! Add in the 3 doorways, one being the entrance and "foyer" to our room, a distinct traffic pattern, and attempting the make the box funtion in to two distinct areas, each with a specific function.
We've still a lot obstacles to overcome in this space, but little by little we're it getting there. I've still the slipcovering of our older furniture, creating a "hide the TV and electical apparatous" to build, and a whole lot of renovations and re-arranging to be done to this room. Little by little, as time and money allow, I know one day we'll make this old house the home of our dreams!
Today, I'll be spending some more time in the studio, as the organizational project there continues. I'll be watching our sweet grand-daughter, Alexxis over the course of the next several days, and one Thursday our city's annual Popcorn Festival kicks off with a Parade! So there will be a lot of fun on the horizon... before I'll be settling back in and tackling anything again.
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