I am desiring to search and find some information on sizing my digital photographs. I'd like to pixelated them to appropriate sizes for having them printed in 4x6, 5x7, 8x10 and some 12" sizes for scrapbooking.
Would anyone have any good resources for finding this information? Just thought I'd ask for some assistance and save myself some time searching and researching. Any help is greatly appreciated and Thank you well in advance!
I don't know if this will help or not, but Picasa is a free program from Google that allows you to change the size of your photos! Since I don't know what equipment you have I would suggest looking into it! THanks for commenting on my blog. I really appreciate it.....Linda
I don't understand why that post has my son's name instead of mine! I guess he was using my computer over the holiday:) I am Linda Harre at http://studiostuffgirls.blogspot.com I have a feeling this will come up the same way when I hit post!
It is great that you've visited once again. Congrats on the recent publication; I love your artwork. I have Picasa downloaded already, I'll have to do some searching with the help features. Thank you so much for the reminder.
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