Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Labor of Love....

Once I set my mind to designing my first quilt, I quickly realized a smaller scale project was probably going to be for the best. Having one store bought quilt purchased with Alexxis' nursery bedding, I measured and did some calculating. I thought since her crib will turn into a small toddler bed one day, maybe I could use the pattern; yet make it a bit bigger than the one we currently have so that it too can functional through some of the transitional stages of life. So, I played around with the Seasonal Magic Quilt pattern to adapt it for my needs. The photograph above shows the fabrics that I previously chose, quilted in the Seasonal Magic Quilt pattern with my adaptions. I'll be taking some measurement tomorrow to determine what size of a border I desire; whether it will be one or possibly even two. Although my cutting and sewing aren't perfect, this quilt is truly a labor of love.

Heck, I'm even now thinking of using some of the extra fabrics to sew a matching pillow case and even a few 18" toss pillow! I may also check the fabric store to see if there is anymore of these Calico Keepsakes fabric still available... as I may just one day desire to add another border of quilt blocks and turn it into a twin size or a larger quilt for Alexxis to snuggle within.

P.s. The small green print is more of a neon-looking spring green... without the brown-ish undertones my camera picked up. And, the border I am intending to add, has the same paisley design as the aqua colored print blocks only in a a deep and light lilac purple with just the slightest hint of white appearing in the design. I think it's going to be turn out just beautifully! {smiles}

1 comment:

liannallama said...

congrats on your new machine! Your Quilt is beautiful--what a treasure it will be for DGD!