I suppose now you can see why I have some decisions that have yet to be made! I will have to create a wonderful place for this to sit and enough room to add a smaller side table. Of course this means that I will need to take down and store my tables. Am I serious? You betcha!!!
You see, I also have several other piece of store fixtures/furniture that I can bring into the space. They are actually additional store fixtures that I purchased years ago when I purchased my slatwall and what I call my bookbinding cabinet and the computer "L" section from a store liquidator. Each of them features that warm oak veneer that I so enjoy! One piece is a long "L" shaped cabinet with a beautiful marbled teal green laminate countertop that features an actual showcase in the shorter "L" end. I am considering adding it to my studio for several reasons: The showcase area would provide me with a nice display area for my handmade books while the larger inside the cabinet shelves could be utilized for out of sight storage of additional supplies such as those larger sheets of watercolored and bookbinding papers that should be lying flat. Of course, I have to obtain some measurements to determine just how and where I can set it, IF it is even possible to do so.
I am thinking that I could add a few bar stools in place of using chairs. I have noticed that I somehow seem to do more standing when creating than I do actually sitting, unless getting up and down constantly counts as sitting, LOL! So, it does have some great possibilities!
The only drawback to this piece is that it is huge... well, not so much huge, as it is long! Also, since it would need to fit in the area that my tables are currently in, I would not have any access to any electrical outlets unless I taped them to the floor. This is not really a big deal, as I have plenty of outlets along the west wall of storage cabinets, an outlet on my stamping table, and access behind the bookshelves. So, I could get by without electricity here. {Can you tell that I am trying to rationalize all this here? *smiles*}
Another option... would be to utilize one or two of my glass tiered display fixtures. They again host the same oak veneer wooden bases. They are approximately, 2 1/2' squares that would allow for a small amounts of storage in and on them. The shelving sections are glass; that form glass cubes, and can be stacked to any desired height. I wish I had some photographs of them to show to you... maybe then you, my dear readers, could help me decide what to use, LOL! I could display artwork upon and in them, rubberstamps, ect. The drawback to them is they are glass! Glass and concrete floors are not a good mixture! but then again, so aren't the flooring in many stores that carry fragile items. I guess, I just need to consider all my options, the pros and cons of each, and figure this one out on my own.
Maybe, I will get extremely lucky and be able to utilize both of these within the space. If I set up the long "L" fixture along the edge of the carpeted area, parallel to the paper racks along the south wall, with the showcase edge coming into the center of the room, I may just have enough area for the recliner and one of the wood bases. I could use only some sections of the glass cubes to form a table top height side table to sit next to the reliner and still have some room to move comfortably around the studio.
Anyways, there, my family and friends, you have the dilemna that I am facing. What to do, What to do, What to do??? Any suggestions? LOL! I have one... grab the tape measure, a roll of tape, measure off the area in question, and tape the diagram onto the floor and figure it out from there. I'll let you know what I decide.
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