As I was recently thinking about a new beginning of a new year, I decided to create some cards that I will need to get mailed soon. Desiring to get off on the right foot this year, I am beginning by tackling the first three months of the year, so that I will be off to a great start!
My goal is to continue working on my cardmaking for all those special occassions of my family and friends before I start to work on some more general "Thinking of You" and "Thank You's!" It seems like I never create enough of these.
To further assist me, I printed off an online address book, placed my personal address book with my stationery suitcase, and will be adding a new 2007 calendar to it soon.
*Note to self: Stock up on Postage Stamps to add to stationery suitcase soon and a new 2007 Calendar*
The card design I chose is a courtesy of Becky Fleck from Page Maps This is the first time I have used Becky's Card Maps and I loved it! It certainly saved me a lot of time not having to come up with a card design. I believe I'll be using more of these as I continue to work. Why should I keep re-inventing the same wheel? I believe by using them, I can get a lot of my cards created and ready to be sent early this year so that they will be on hand when I need them. I've always desired to have a good stash of cards ready when I need them but somehow never mastered that; hopefully 2007 will be the year that I do!
beautiful cards! thank you for your kind comments on my blog!
I wish you a Happy 2007 and lots of creative time! :)
Thank You!
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