Monday, February 19, 2007

Good Morning!

Lots on my "To Do List" today... although I found a smidgeon of time to simply play. I packaged some things for my surprise "birthday" girl and found a loverly poem to enclose... thought I'd share it here with all of you. Enjoy!

“It’s the little things

that mean so much

a friendly smile.. a comforting touch..

A card.. A call.. a thoughtful deed..

A helping hand in a time of need..

It’s the little acts of sharing.. giving..

that add such joy to daily living!”

~Kay Andrew~

*Note to self: I just accidently discovered how to add some of the fonts on my computer to my posts! Type them up in MS Word and copy/paste them into my blogger "create" posts. Whoo-hoo! I love unexpected surprises!

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