Friday, March 02, 2007

Whirlwind wanderings...

Our last several days have been a whirlwind, just like the beginning of March, with a lot rest breaks taken in between. I'm doing so much better (knock on wood) and am continuing to heal from the pinched nerve. Mainly we've been focusing on the house, catching up on our housework, doing a bit of shopping for life's little necessities. Every spare moment of my time within the past week has been spent researching CQ'ing online since I recently stumbled upon the brief instructions of crazy quilting in the January Country Victorian mag. I was so instantly inspired! I dove in with head first, purchased "The Magic of Crazy Quilting - A Complete Resource for Embellished Quilting" 2nd Edition by J. Marsha Michler, which I've read, re-read, and am still reading. LOL!

I was a complete goner when I stumbled upon

Pat Winter's website: and

her blog via a google search!

After several trips to JoAnn's and several dollars later, let's just say, I'm almost ready to begin
creating my first cq block. I have the muslin, the cotton fabrics --- I using the same fabrics that I used for Alexxis' quilt that I started in December; some new embellishments: threads, beads, buttons, trims, and even some silk flowers which I'll dissect for use. Some silk pins, metallic threads, a thimble that fits, and a slew of new needles later, I decided to joined a new for me, Yahoo group:

CQForNewbies to seek some advice on fabric choices, learning, info, sharing, and swapping later. I'm looking for something with some sheen to it to add to my quilt block, silk, perhaps? and in a color that will provide some contrast to the all the vibrant colors I'll be using. I have some ecru linen napkins that I may part with for quilt work, that will add at a neutral color and some addition texture. Later today, I need to make it out to the studio to gather up some additional things, as well, start deciding what I'll be taking to this upcoming weekend retreat. My mind is a whirlwind thinking about all the possibilities for this cq block! It will be a wonderful adventure as I gather my supplies for preparing and packing.

I've given that a little thought and I need to finish up a few WIP's. I have the Gothic Arch page swap to finish up, some cards that need creating, my deco to finish decorating, and now this cq block to sew up and have ready for embroidering and embellishing. That will be my little reward for working on finishing the previous commitments first. I'm certain that will help speed up the process. {smile} I'm hoping that preparing this week and that by packing up the supplies for the crazy quilt, that my totes won't be as heavy. I probably shouldn't be lugging those monstrosities around just yet. Thankfully, I've a week to gather my thoughts, purchase anything I may need, get packed up and prepared, and have an enjoyable time while there. I'm happy that Christine, Deb, and Jackie wouldn't take "No." for an answer and am actually looking forward to be going away for a weekend of crazy creating!


Ati said...

Hi, I hope we will see soon one of your 'crazy' projects. What a wonderful cabinet you have !!
CQ newbies member Ati.

Cathy said...

Thank you for visiting, Ati. I'm excited to get started!
