This is picture was taken after I had potted the flowers in the pot for a Mother's Day gift for Mom Reams a few days prior to Mother's Day. On Sunday, I woke up from sleeping in to discover it was raining then it turned into a sudden downpour. I felt my heart flutter within my chest when I remember a few moments later that this saucer, planter, and flowers I had purchased and potted for Mom Reams was out on the deck and was receiving a thorough soaking. Oh No! Attempting to revive it, wasn't happening, so after taking me to lunch at Panera, purchaing me a new Spring outfit , I was thankful when Don suggested that instead of giving the flowers {now drenched and drooping} to her that we stop by WalMart to pick up a box of chocolates, a card, and a gift card for her. His idea truly saved the day!
While in WalMart, I also purchased another box of chocolates and a card for my dd, Amber and after visiting with Mom Reams we stopped by to deliver those to her. I had given my Mother's Day gifts to my Mom a few days earlier so Don and I were able to go back home, tuck ourselves in, and relax while watching a movie.
On Monday, I watched Alexxis for a while and after going grocery shopping and returning home once again, I gave her my gift. She looked so cute and adorable wearing her new apron as she helped me put the refrigeratored items away. Nevermind, that they all went on the bottom shelf as it was the only shelf she was to able to reach, I knew I could rearrange it later.
Here she is, enjoying "dressing up" and playing "little momma" and "housekeeper" all in one! I love this picture of her... and I didn't do too bad at freehand sewing that with no pattern. She's even has "room to grow" into it...
On Monday, I watched Alexxis for a while and after going grocery shopping and returning home once again, I gave her my gift. She looked so cute and adorable wearing her new apron as she helped me put the refrigeratored items away. Nevermind, that they all went on the bottom shelf as it was the only shelf she was to able to reach, I knew I could rearrange it later.
Here she is, enjoying "dressing up" and playing "little momma" and "housekeeper" all in one! I love this picture of her... and I didn't do too bad at freehand sewing that with no pattern. She's even has "room to grow" into it...
1 comment:
Wow! Alexxis has grown and she looks adorable in her apron!!
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