Saturday, August 23, 2008

CED ~ 2008

Although I know in my heart, I'm not quite ready to let go of the last days of summer, I couldn't resist picking up this beautiful vase and autumn silk floral stems when Don and I were in Michael's previously. Autumn has always been my favorite season of the year so it's no surprise seeing all their fall floral arrangements inspired me to create one of my own.
I also loved that the vase was on clearance and most of the floral stems on sale, well with the exception of one. For less than $20, this truly warms my heart when I see it. I could very easily live with all these colors, they are so warm and welcoming. Did you notice how pretty this arrangement works in our living room? Hmmm... if I didn't already have so many things I desire to do, I'd seriously consider utilizing this color scheme in my home. {Of course, I have to wonder just how well I'd love it come Christmas, and Springtime, and Summer rolls back around once more, LOL!}

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