I apologize for the low light of this photograph... {it was a little cool to go outdoors and the indoor lighting makes it even funkier... but here goes....} page 5/365...
my tags... and tag book...
{I haven't forgotten them... just haven't added them as of yet. Possibly due to too lazy to clear off countertop so I can pull printer out and install ink cartridges or either not enough time... I'll let you decide... {wink}...
I did a "the purpose of my project 365" tag book for a sort of title page.
*added these quotes*
Embrace each new endeavor with your heart {heart is hand drawn}
the rest will take of itself.
{I made a notation... "I AM SO trusting this!"}
I AM so loving the path I am on RIGHT NOW.
I hope to see the beauty of things around around me...
just as they are.
The most precious gifts.
This is what I want to capture.
I love being free to be who ever I want to be,
& I look forward to becoming.
my personal journaling on the reverse...
(collected from many random thoughts from my written journals)
"Instead of looking at my world being ALWAYS full of possibilities and seeking what "could be,"
I really desire to take at least one moment everyday just to savor the
"here & now." I'm hoping that project 365 provides me the opportunity to speak about the things that MATTER TO ME. {and I hope I grab it with both my hands & my heart!}
I desire to delve deep down inside myself in a way I've never done before.
That... "in this moment, I __________ <--- (insert whatever here).
I'm thankful for whatever reason, this matters to me! I hope to do this without being paralyzed by fear. I know its all here {another hand drawn heart} somewhere. I just need to look to discover it.
Every day is cause for a celebration."
The tag at the upper left corner is stamped with a journaling stamp...
{I'll let you know who makes it when I find that info}, then journaling was added. It simply reads, "opening my eyes, making observations"
and the small tag holds the
taken from the backside of the bar code scan label of Danielle Steele's Honor Thyself novel I'm currently reading. {very slowly - I might add, LOL!}
As you can see there's plenty of room for a some photographs and the cover of Danielle's book.
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