Wow! Where did the week go? I cannot believe it is Thursday already.......... the good news is I've managed to accomplish quite a bit that I set out to do. The Art Journal RR is mailed; Christy's Whimsical Writing Pages are created and ready to be packaged up; all the ATC's I created and RAK'd are sent; Melanie's pictures of Flat Stanley are developed; an additional ATC Swap is mailed and I should be receiving one.
Yesterday, Don & I went to Target where I purchased another printer! It is the same one I have currently and have yet to find the lost USB cable for. I knew my black ink was getting low and after pricing it and a USB cable {along with the chance it might not work}, it turned out to be a bargain just to purchase an entirely new printer! Today's agenda is to hook up the USB cable, replace the black ink cartridge, and get a few things printed off that I'll be needing later as the journal RR continues.
I sorted through one box from the living room remodel and created two boxes from it! Sheesh.... anyways one goes out to the studio to be sorted through once again and put away.
My studio is in a state of disarray! Inks, supplies, and paper everywhere. I'm hopeful to get it straightened up once again. At least in a workable state. I'm really missing my scanner; so I'll be looking for the software to install in the computer in the studio so I can upload some new art soon.
This evening, Patti, Heaven, and I will be going to the Moose for family night: Pizza and Karoke!!! It will be great to have a distraction and get some R&R in. I'm hopeful to get the studio cleaned, more organizing done, scanner hooked up to the computer in the studio and begin figuring out what I need to be packing up for National Scrapbook Day crop on May 7th and 8th. Sounds like next week will be fffflllllyyyyying....... by too.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
What a day yesterday was! A little too much excitement for me....... Don & I decided to go out of town for a steak dinner late in the afternoon. It was still snowing lightly as we headed out, the roads were wet but not frozen, as we hit St. Rt. 23 heading towards Columbus. As soon as we passed the St. Rt. 95 exit, our hood on the Jeep flew up! and came back at us hitting the windshield. Luckily, the hood hinges didn't break or the windshield and we managed to get off the road safely. After making sure the hood was once again secured we turned around and come home; exchanging vehicles. I was so shook up that I lost all desire to go out of town, so to Bob Evans we went.
Today, Don took the Jeep into Jerry, who fixed the hood and will be removing a hood latch from another Jeep he has for parts. It seems the latch simply rusted. Thankfully, we are both safe.
I'm working on cleaning the house up from the weekend; I got a little lazy, LOL! Spent the day Saturday in the studio and Sunday lounging around. I offered 9 ATC's for RAK in an online group so I'm checking in off and on in between cleaning as I'll be going to the P.O. later this afternoon. I'm hoping to sort some of the boxes, purging, finding homes for keepables, and moving some things out to the studio to get put away later this week. Looks like my workout will be waiting until early evening but I'm still doing it!
Today, Don took the Jeep into Jerry, who fixed the hood and will be removing a hood latch from another Jeep he has for parts. It seems the latch simply rusted. Thankfully, we are both safe.
I'm working on cleaning the house up from the weekend; I got a little lazy, LOL! Spent the day Saturday in the studio and Sunday lounging around. I offered 9 ATC's for RAK in an online group so I'm checking in off and on in between cleaning as I'll be going to the P.O. later this afternoon. I'm hoping to sort some of the boxes, purging, finding homes for keepables, and moving some things out to the studio to get put away later this week. Looks like my workout will be waiting until early evening but I'm still doing it!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Ready for Monday........
What a week! this past week has been. Although, I managed to get a lot accomplished, there is always more to do. I'm hopeful after attacking the house today that I can get some of the boxes of things I've packed up gone through. Some contain art supplies that need a home in the studio, while others are odds and ends from the living room remodeling. I cannot stand boxes of stuff!!! So, it will be a week of sorting, purging, and organizing the "keepables"; hopefully, fixing the shelf in my studio that has fallen.
I had a wonderful time in the studio this weekend. Friday night, Deb, Jackie, Christine and I got together and created and played. I don't believe I've laughed so hard in a long time, as Chris and I got a little spunky making some *risque* ATC's ---- probably best kept for a "private collection", ROFLOL! I also "fried" my heat embossing tool! Not paying attention to what I was doing, I set it down, while on, right on the barrel. Thinking, "okay, it is just a safety feature, it will come on after it cools", I set it aside. A half hour or so later, I checked and "yep, I killed it!" I guess that is as good as excuse as any to go shopping! LOL!
Yesterday, I recreated 9 ATC's for a "Winged Things" swap. There was nothing wrong with first batch I created earlier this week, I just discovered another design idea I liked better. So, I offered the 9 previous ones for RAK's in a group I've been a member of for a year or so.
I also discovered, I've a major problem.... A squirrel has decided to make a new home in the wall of my studio! It liked to have scared the be-jesus out of me yesterday when I first heard it chattering, then, scurring up the outside wall. So a search for where it got in will be underway along with a trap set to catch and relocate it; hopefully, it won't return.... Don thinks we can capture it. Lord, I hope so....
I had a wonderful time in the studio this weekend. Friday night, Deb, Jackie, Christine and I got together and created and played. I don't believe I've laughed so hard in a long time, as Chris and I got a little spunky making some *risque* ATC's ---- probably best kept for a "private collection", ROFLOL! I also "fried" my heat embossing tool! Not paying attention to what I was doing, I set it down, while on, right on the barrel. Thinking, "okay, it is just a safety feature, it will come on after it cools", I set it aside. A half hour or so later, I checked and "yep, I killed it!" I guess that is as good as excuse as any to go shopping! LOL!
Yesterday, I recreated 9 ATC's for a "Winged Things" swap. There was nothing wrong with first batch I created earlier this week, I just discovered another design idea I liked better. So, I offered the 9 previous ones for RAK's in a group I've been a member of for a year or so.
I also discovered, I've a major problem.... A squirrel has decided to make a new home in the wall of my studio! It liked to have scared the be-jesus out of me yesterday when I first heard it chattering, then, scurring up the outside wall. So a search for where it got in will be underway along with a trap set to catch and relocate it; hopefully, it won't return.... Don thinks we can capture it. Lord, I hope so....
Friday, April 22, 2005
Tying up those loose ends.......
What a week! I've been so busy that even my head is spinning. Our living room is finally painted. Furniture where I want it and things are really coming together. I managed to get the computer in the amoire as well, although I've some mixed feelings of how well I like it. It is great when closed, all the components being out of sight; it is adjusting to using it that is so different. However, I believe it will grow on me. I ran into two problems.... one my scanner doesn't fit so I think I'm going to hook the scanner up to the computer in the studio since it is mostly used to upload artwork anyways; and two, somewhere along the way, I misplaced my power cord to my printer... urgh. I'm sure I'll find it, and if not maybe a new printer is what I need! Sometimes it is cheaper to buy an entire new printer than it is ink refills, LOL! So we'll see.
Anyways, I managed to get the rest of the house cleaned yesterday. Found a little time to simply lay on the couch and relax. I did bring in a bit of supplies to create 10 new ATC's, packaged up a swap to be mailed today.
Deb, Jackie, and Chris are supposed to come over and hang out in the studio tonight; hopefully the thunderstorms we're supposed to get won't interfere with that. It is going to be a wait and see type thing.... I believe I'll create more ATC's tonight so that I'll quite a stash to last me a little while. I received some wonderful ATC's in a return swap this week, one had me laughing so hard I almost cried. I love humorous ones... the theme was "Going Postal" and the ATC contained a glassine envy with a "Dear John" letter. I loved it!
I'm planning to post some artwork soon... so stay tuned.
Anyways, I managed to get the rest of the house cleaned yesterday. Found a little time to simply lay on the couch and relax. I did bring in a bit of supplies to create 10 new ATC's, packaged up a swap to be mailed today.
Deb, Jackie, and Chris are supposed to come over and hang out in the studio tonight; hopefully the thunderstorms we're supposed to get won't interfere with that. It is going to be a wait and see type thing.... I believe I'll create more ATC's tonight so that I'll quite a stash to last me a little while. I received some wonderful ATC's in a return swap this week, one had me laughing so hard I almost cried. I love humorous ones... the theme was "Going Postal" and the ATC contained a glassine envy with a "Dear John" letter. I loved it!
I'm planning to post some artwork soon... so stay tuned.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
A good quote!
I receive an email that sometimes contains some great quotes. I really like this one and the concept behind it because it reminded me of starting and growing as an artist.
We are each unique, so comparing ourselves to others serves no purpose. Even comparing myself to how I was a while back is not usually helpful. Typically, comparison just brings the ego a false sense of either superiority or inferiority. If we let go of comparison and choose instead to completely accept where we are, we can enjoy both peace and growth.
There is no need for comparison
"Nothing is good or bad but by comparison."
-- Thomas Fuller
"Nothing is good or bad but by comparison."
-- Thomas Fuller
We are each unique, so comparing ourselves to others serves no purpose. Even comparing myself to how I was a while back is not usually helpful. Typically, comparison just brings the ego a false sense of either superiority or inferiority. If we let go of comparison and choose instead to completely accept where we are, we can enjoy both peace and growth.
I believe as we grow artistically there is alway a need to compare the artwork that we create to other artists who are creating in a similar style. I feel we are often our own worse critics of the art we create. This quote is great for it reminds me not to compare myself to others or my artwork to their artwork. Resisting that urge and desire truly allows us to grow and we learn to love the art that we create. There is no need to feel under-appreciate or overlooked. My artwork can simply be and extention of me capturing my thoughts and feelings in a moment in time; without rhyme or reason. I feel by simply accepting it for what it is, I can grow more creatively as an artist, explore freely, and develop a style that is unique only to me.
Maybe I should print this out and hang it on my chalkboard within the studio for a while. What a great affirmation! and a gentle reminder to be good to yourself.
Living Room Remodel nearing completion....
Am I ever impressed! Patty made it over yesterday and we worked on getting the other half of my living room ceiling painted. Definately a lot easier than one person doing it all; we sort of tag-teamed it and got it finished in record time. While Patty finished it up, I cooked us a light dinner out on the grill. After cleaning it up, we hit the last remaining wall with paint and got the second coat on the window trim. While everything except the TV and additional components were removed from that side of the room, we shampoo'd the carpet.
It was such a gorgeous day yesterday, so lots of breaks were taken providing Patty time to feed and change Dakota, and for us to talk and laugh. We enjoyed the sunshine out on the deck, and the new patio set was a lifesaver at keeping the baby out of the sun. Late in the afternoon, I whipped up a pitcher of Margarita's that we enjoyed immensely while washing up and cleaning out the Jeep Cherokee.
Around 8 o'clock, Amber and Chris stopped by for a brief visit. She's looking good; losing the weight she's gained from the pregnancy. Her feelings are still very tender over the miscarriage, and seeing Dakota was hard on her. She's feeling a little robbed; but I was proud of her as she said, "Mom taught me not to be jealous of anyone's blessings for surely they've earned them, too." We chatted and visited for a while before they had to leave as they both have to work today.
Heaven, Patty's dd, and my god-child returned from her friends with her hair highlighted. She looks adorable and loves it. She is such a good child, filled with laughter. She enjoyed seeing Amber, it has been such a long time for her. After all the good-byes and plans to get together, Don and I moved the furniture back. I caught a little bit of the "Amazing Race" before jumping into the tub and comfy pj's. We went to bed early only to wake up around 2 a.m. so we both raided the refrigerator, LOL! I had an egg sandwich which I was craving for some odd reason. Upon going back to bed I slept like a baby!
Getting up this a.m. I'm loving the living room color. The fresh white ceiling paint and the Churchhill Hotel Vanilla on the walls makes the room seem so much wider! Don & I both are loving it! Today, I plan to clean my little bit of knick-knacks that will go back in the room, hang up a few pictures, and clean the rest of the house a bit. Not much to do, just little odds and ends. I don't think I'll make it out in the studio today; however, Don works tomorrow so I'm hopeful to finish a few pages in the journal RR, get embellishments baggied up for a swap. Patty and I made plans to take Heaven to the Moose in the evening for Family night, pizza and karoking! I think she'll enjoy that and I'm ready for a little R&R!
It was such a gorgeous day yesterday, so lots of breaks were taken providing Patty time to feed and change Dakota, and for us to talk and laugh. We enjoyed the sunshine out on the deck, and the new patio set was a lifesaver at keeping the baby out of the sun. Late in the afternoon, I whipped up a pitcher of Margarita's that we enjoyed immensely while washing up and cleaning out the Jeep Cherokee.
Around 8 o'clock, Amber and Chris stopped by for a brief visit. She's looking good; losing the weight she's gained from the pregnancy. Her feelings are still very tender over the miscarriage, and seeing Dakota was hard on her. She's feeling a little robbed; but I was proud of her as she said, "Mom taught me not to be jealous of anyone's blessings for surely they've earned them, too." We chatted and visited for a while before they had to leave as they both have to work today.
Heaven, Patty's dd, and my god-child returned from her friends with her hair highlighted. She looks adorable and loves it. She is such a good child, filled with laughter. She enjoyed seeing Amber, it has been such a long time for her. After all the good-byes and plans to get together, Don and I moved the furniture back. I caught a little bit of the "Amazing Race" before jumping into the tub and comfy pj's. We went to bed early only to wake up around 2 a.m. so we both raided the refrigerator, LOL! I had an egg sandwich which I was craving for some odd reason. Upon going back to bed I slept like a baby!
Getting up this a.m. I'm loving the living room color. The fresh white ceiling paint and the Churchhill Hotel Vanilla on the walls makes the room seem so much wider! Don & I both are loving it! Today, I plan to clean my little bit of knick-knacks that will go back in the room, hang up a few pictures, and clean the rest of the house a bit. Not much to do, just little odds and ends. I don't think I'll make it out in the studio today; however, Don works tomorrow so I'm hopeful to finish a few pages in the journal RR, get embellishments baggied up for a swap. Patty and I made plans to take Heaven to the Moose in the evening for Family night, pizza and karoking! I think she'll enjoy that and I'm ready for a little R&R!
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
What a day!
Pattie and Dakota came over yesterday. We worked a bit on the living room wall, sanding off joint compound, pulling a few remaining nails and filling them in. I painted the first coat of white enamel paint onto the window trim and will finish that up today. Need to hit the new joint compound spots and check for shrinkage before sanding and seeing if it needs more. I'm not looking forward to painting this half of the ceiling. YUCK! Such a mess..... and moving furniture isn't my idea of fun. I don't mind moving the chairs as much as I dislike the thought of moving the TV and messing with all the electric components of the DVD; Digital box, etc. Oh, well, it has to be done.
I checked the remaining paint in the can for the computer amoire. Unfortunately, I'm going to need yet another quart. One shelf inside, the keyboard tray and slide out, drawer front, and one final coat on top and that baby will be ready to polyurathane. At least there is an end in sight! Sigh.
After painting, we ran out to Big Lots to purchase a new Patio set. We got a great bargain on it. Glass top rectangular table, 6 chairs, umbrella and umbrella stand for approx. $300.00 Upon returning from picking it up and assembling it we had a quick cookout on the grill before Don headed to work. I love it! We've talked of getting one ever since we finished the back deck over 3 yrs. ago so I suppose it was about time. As I begin to look around our home, see all the progress we've made remodeling it, I can truly say that I love my home! Hopefully, in a few years it will all be done except touch ups and keeping up with re-painting. Gotta love that!
I will be out in the studio for a bit today.... preparing a page or two in the journal RR, packing Christi's Whimiscal Writing, getting a swap packaged, and some ATC's for RAKing . Hopefully, it will be a trip event to the P.O. on Friday.
Well, I'm off to work out!!!! I've got a new peice of artwork to upload later........ so until then....
I checked the remaining paint in the can for the computer amoire. Unfortunately, I'm going to need yet another quart. One shelf inside, the keyboard tray and slide out, drawer front, and one final coat on top and that baby will be ready to polyurathane. At least there is an end in sight! Sigh.
After painting, we ran out to Big Lots to purchase a new Patio set. We got a great bargain on it. Glass top rectangular table, 6 chairs, umbrella and umbrella stand for approx. $300.00 Upon returning from picking it up and assembling it we had a quick cookout on the grill before Don headed to work. I love it! We've talked of getting one ever since we finished the back deck over 3 yrs. ago so I suppose it was about time. As I begin to look around our home, see all the progress we've made remodeling it, I can truly say that I love my home! Hopefully, in a few years it will all be done except touch ups and keeping up with re-painting. Gotta love that!
I will be out in the studio for a bit today.... preparing a page or two in the journal RR, packing Christi's Whimiscal Writing, getting a swap packaged, and some ATC's for RAKing . Hopefully, it will be a trip event to the P.O. on Friday.
Well, I'm off to work out!!!! I've got a new peice of artwork to upload later........ so until then....
Monday, April 18, 2005
My weekend.........
Chris and I got together Friday evening in the studio. Shortly after she arrived, we made a run to the Mad Scrapper. I needed to purchase a few more Zig Markers in Platinium to be sure I had enough on hand for creating the Whimsical Writing for the journal RR. I found only one and opted for a more darker color in a gray to supplement if needed. While there, Michele stated she'd be getting off work at 8 o'clock as the 3 crop attendees had cancelled; so we invited her over to scrapbook with us. It was her first time over and she really seemed to enjoy herself. I tried to call her yesterday to say, "Thank you for coming" but got her message machine. I'm hoping to find some time to call today. We had a great time, although I didn't get too much accomplished. I did manage to make 9 ATC's for a Wing Things swap. I'm not too excited about them and since the swap isn't due until mid-May, I'm thinking of using them for RAK's and recreating another set.
Saturday, seemed to magically disappear! I visited with Patty and Dakota for a bit. She will be calling me later today and has offered to assist me with the living room remodeling. YIPPIE! Hopefully, I can get it finished soon. Upon returning home I cut and mounted onto cushion a Wordsworth alphabet and two Junque sets. I am not to sure why that sounds so simple, LOL! Cutting out and mounting unmounted stamps onto cushion isn't hard; but it is time consuming! Oh, well, it is well worth the cost!
Sunday, I worked almost all day in the studio. Picking up, putting supplies back away. I got the brainstorm to utilize 6 shelves I have so off to Lowe's Don & I went to buy the wall and shelf supports. Sometime's I wish he wasn't so supportive, LOL! I'm not sure I like them. I think it is just the change made to the wall above my journaling/stamping table and it will take me some time to adjust to it. I did manage to clean out one of my 3 drawer organizers and stocked nothing but adhesives in it. It now has a new home on the shelves above the table.
I cleaned off a free-standing shelf unit; relocated most of the supplies that were on it. Moved the VHS cabinet out to the studio and put it in its place. Inside on the shelves, now is home to some fabric while the doors are being used for CD cases with my unmounted stamps inside. I straightened some more, emptied the trash and vacaumed.
After cleaning the house today, and working on the living room, I'm hopeful to make it back to the studio to organize more. That is IF I've any energy left! I've only left two projects on my table........ on journal for the journal RR which I've a few more additions to make and Melanie's Flat Stanley book. I'm hopeful to get these things postal by the weekend. Wish me luck!
Saturday, seemed to magically disappear! I visited with Patty and Dakota for a bit. She will be calling me later today and has offered to assist me with the living room remodeling. YIPPIE! Hopefully, I can get it finished soon. Upon returning home I cut and mounted onto cushion a Wordsworth alphabet and two Junque sets. I am not to sure why that sounds so simple, LOL! Cutting out and mounting unmounted stamps onto cushion isn't hard; but it is time consuming! Oh, well, it is well worth the cost!
Sunday, I worked almost all day in the studio. Picking up, putting supplies back away. I got the brainstorm to utilize 6 shelves I have so off to Lowe's Don & I went to buy the wall and shelf supports. Sometime's I wish he wasn't so supportive, LOL! I'm not sure I like them. I think it is just the change made to the wall above my journaling/stamping table and it will take me some time to adjust to it. I did manage to clean out one of my 3 drawer organizers and stocked nothing but adhesives in it. It now has a new home on the shelves above the table.
I cleaned off a free-standing shelf unit; relocated most of the supplies that were on it. Moved the VHS cabinet out to the studio and put it in its place. Inside on the shelves, now is home to some fabric while the doors are being used for CD cases with my unmounted stamps inside. I straightened some more, emptied the trash and vacaumed.
After cleaning the house today, and working on the living room, I'm hopeful to make it back to the studio to organize more. That is IF I've any energy left! I've only left two projects on my table........ on journal for the journal RR which I've a few more additions to make and Melanie's Flat Stanley book. I'm hopeful to get these things postal by the weekend. Wish me luck!
Friday, April 15, 2005
Re: Whimsical Writing Pages
It seems the Whimsical Writing pages I created for Anne's journal is fast becoming a big hit with the members of the Journal RR. So, I'm thinking since most members are working ahead and creating duplicates of their page additions to each journal that I'll work on creating more of these pages. Checking the database area in the group will provide me with the information each used in creating their pages, such as paper used and the size of their journals. I'll also add in the Monoprinting technique with an instruction page and a collage using the technique.
Since we are fairly early in the Journal rotation, I'll simply need to create Christi' 6x9 pages with the lettering to send to her directly and can get caught up with them. This will allow me to work ahead a bit before the journal pages actually arrive.
Since we are fairly early in the Journal rotation, I'll simply need to create Christi' 6x9 pages with the lettering to send to her directly and can get caught up with them. This will allow me to work ahead a bit before the journal pages actually arrive.
Journal RR
I received another art journal in the mail yesterday. Anne's journal is so beautiful, the scans in the group's file/photos do not do these journals the justice they deserve! As soon as I saw the artwork shared within Anne's journaling, I knew immediately I had something to share! I re-created the Whimsical Writing featured in the BH&G's April 2003 alphabet and created a Zettiology-style journaling page to share my experiences using it.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Fallin' off the wagon......
Seems I fell off the "working out" wagon yesterday. It is so hard to keep up with the things I desire to do when Don's day off comes along. It throws me all off. I plan to get back to the TaeBo while he runs his morning errands and it is only one day. Maybe it will keep the soreness at bay. I'm doing good with water, drinking lots and lots, watching what I'm eating, although I haven't lost anymore weight since the 6 lbs. However, I haven't gained them back either. That's good news, right?
Yesterday, was a gorgeous day again here in Ohio. A lot cooler than the 70-80 degree weather we had recently but the sun was shining! although the wind was cold and brisk at times. We took a ride over to Lexington and had a great lunch at the the Dutch Heritage restaurant. Yummy, Amish cooking. We also stopped by Sheila & Dennis's unannounced and waited a bit for them to get home. Around a quarter til five, decided they must have made some others stops and came on home.
I haven't created any new artwork lately nor done anymore organizing or the living room remodeling. I've been meaning to lay some clothes out in the spare bedroom so I can head out to the studio early in the mornings while Don still sleeps and have yet to actually do it. It's almost too easy sitting on the computer, half asleep, enjoying the quietness as the day begins. Then, feel a little a guilty when I think of all I could be accomplishing, LOL! I'm definately becoming more of morning person, early to rise. Who would of thought that? Me of all people. I believe I'd get more done if only he wouldn't asleep later and I felt the need to be quiet. So, maybe heading out to the studio in the a.m. isn't such a bad idea at all. It seems my mind and body are hell-bent on this early to rise mode so I may as well embrace it. I'm sort of in between journals at the moment, waiting for one to arrive. Still need to drop off the film for developing; maybe later this morning we can run it out. We'll I'm off to begin my day.....will update more later.
Yesterday, was a gorgeous day again here in Ohio. A lot cooler than the 70-80 degree weather we had recently but the sun was shining! although the wind was cold and brisk at times. We took a ride over to Lexington and had a great lunch at the the Dutch Heritage restaurant. Yummy, Amish cooking. We also stopped by Sheila & Dennis's unannounced and waited a bit for them to get home. Around a quarter til five, decided they must have made some others stops and came on home.
I haven't created any new artwork lately nor done anymore organizing or the living room remodeling. I've been meaning to lay some clothes out in the spare bedroom so I can head out to the studio early in the mornings while Don still sleeps and have yet to actually do it. It's almost too easy sitting on the computer, half asleep, enjoying the quietness as the day begins. Then, feel a little a guilty when I think of all I could be accomplishing, LOL! I'm definately becoming more of morning person, early to rise. Who would of thought that? Me of all people. I believe I'd get more done if only he wouldn't asleep later and I felt the need to be quiet. So, maybe heading out to the studio in the a.m. isn't such a bad idea at all. It seems my mind and body are hell-bent on this early to rise mode so I may as well embrace it. I'm sort of in between journals at the moment, waiting for one to arrive. Still need to drop off the film for developing; maybe later this morning we can run it out. We'll I'm off to begin my day.....will update more later.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Not too much going on..........
Not a lot going on the last several days. Boring ole' housework, LOL! Yesterday, I invited Patty and girls over for dinner; fixed a big pot of Spanish rice. Gathered up some white cardstock and colored pencils for my 11 yr. old god-child, Heaven. She created me a beautiful floral bouquet using the supplies and added a quote, "Life is like a bouquet of flowers, everyday is different." and hung it on my refrigerator. I gave her a small blank handmade journal I recently created; she's been desiring to write poetry and is interested in starting a quote book.
I lost 6 lbs. last week. Need to get started with the TaeBo again today! I'm doing good watching what I eat and drinking lots of H2O! Hopefully, this will continue. My friends are loving my new haircut! I plan to get it highlighted by the months end, we'll see.
Today is sort of overcast, a big change from the beautiful 70 & 80 degrees, sunny skies weather we've been having but nice none the less. I spoke with Patty re: helping me finish up the living room remodeling. She is interested and of course, could use a little $$$ with the new baby. Hopefully, we can get this knocked out by the months end and I can actually do my "A Day in May" daily studio visits! I'm hopeful to get a little more organizing knocked out within there as well.
My two ATC swaps {Going Postal and Out of Time!} arrived safely and on time; I'll be getting those back soon. I'm hoping to finish up a few little things indoors before heading out the the studio to create some more ATC's. I've received two more and need to RAK them back and replentish my For Trade ones. More artwork to share soon...........
I lost 6 lbs. last week. Need to get started with the TaeBo again today! I'm doing good watching what I eat and drinking lots of H2O! Hopefully, this will continue. My friends are loving my new haircut! I plan to get it highlighted by the months end, we'll see.
Today is sort of overcast, a big change from the beautiful 70 & 80 degrees, sunny skies weather we've been having but nice none the less. I spoke with Patty re: helping me finish up the living room remodeling. She is interested and of course, could use a little $$$ with the new baby. Hopefully, we can get this knocked out by the months end and I can actually do my "A Day in May" daily studio visits! I'm hopeful to get a little more organizing knocked out within there as well.
My two ATC swaps {Going Postal and Out of Time!} arrived safely and on time; I'll be getting those back soon. I'm hoping to finish up a few little things indoors before heading out the the studio to create some more ATC's. I've received two more and need to RAK them back and replentish my For Trade ones. More artwork to share soon...........
Saturday, April 09, 2005
What I've been up to.......
The last several days have been a whirlwind of activity. I haven't kept up with my TaeBo; I've been too sore! LOL! I discovered muscles I completely swore I didn't own. So, instead of giving up, I decided to give myself a couple days of rest, a chance for this ole' body to heal a little before continuing. Today, I feel great, so I will be working out yet again. Only this time, I am going to go to alternating every other day to prevent the soreness until I feel comfortable trying it daily again. I'm doing great with both watching what I am eating and drinking my water.
Instead of working out, I've decided to pamper myself in other ways. A long hot soak in the tub, a couple sessions of relaxing in the hot tub. I gave myself a facial, pampered my feet with a pedicure which I intend to repeat again tomorrow along with painting my toenails in preparation of sandal weather! I definately see some nail care in the near future; I've broken 3 nails this weeks due to dryness, peeling, splitting. So while they are growing back out, I'm pampering the others, slathering on lotion, and back to taking a mulit-vitamin daily.
Thursday, I spent the day with an old friend. Patti recently had a baby girl, Dakota and what a cutie! She is such a precious baby. Happy and content. It felt great to get up with Patti again. We went to the Moose for Family Night --- just the two of us --- for pizza and few beers. Stayed out too late --- chatting and catching up. Oh well. I've slept great the last several nights, LOL!
Last night, Chris & I got today for a light dinner out and then, returned home to play in the studio. Man, what an imagine she has. She created some awesome Trading Cards for a one on one swap she is doing with a woman overseas. I created and began working in Melanie's Flat Stanley book. I need to drop off the pictures I've taken earlier this week and pick up some more film so I can continue to work on it and get this mailed back.
Currently, I am without a journal in the RR. Having mailed Christy's on to Vicky and am waiting to receive another. I'll be back to organizing the studio some more and finish up my spring cleaning and LR painting soon.
It looks like a gorgeous day here today. The sun is shining. Maybe the perfect day to go for a walk.....
Instead of working out, I've decided to pamper myself in other ways. A long hot soak in the tub, a couple sessions of relaxing in the hot tub. I gave myself a facial, pampered my feet with a pedicure which I intend to repeat again tomorrow along with painting my toenails in preparation of sandal weather! I definately see some nail care in the near future; I've broken 3 nails this weeks due to dryness, peeling, splitting. So while they are growing back out, I'm pampering the others, slathering on lotion, and back to taking a mulit-vitamin daily.
Thursday, I spent the day with an old friend. Patti recently had a baby girl, Dakota and what a cutie! She is such a precious baby. Happy and content. It felt great to get up with Patti again. We went to the Moose for Family Night --- just the two of us --- for pizza and few beers. Stayed out too late --- chatting and catching up. Oh well. I've slept great the last several nights, LOL!
Last night, Chris & I got today for a light dinner out and then, returned home to play in the studio. Man, what an imagine she has. She created some awesome Trading Cards for a one on one swap she is doing with a woman overseas. I created and began working in Melanie's Flat Stanley book. I need to drop off the pictures I've taken earlier this week and pick up some more film so I can continue to work on it and get this mailed back.
Currently, I am without a journal in the RR. Having mailed Christy's on to Vicky and am waiting to receive another. I'll be back to organizing the studio some more and finish up my spring cleaning and LR painting soon.
It looks like a gorgeous day here today. The sun is shining. Maybe the perfect day to go for a walk.....
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
The Flat Stanley Adventure continues....
Don & I took Flat Stanley on his first series of adventures today! I had some packages to send off at the P.O. so Flat Stanley went along for the ride (in Don's Mercedes Benz} and his first adventure! We visited the Harding Memorial, where the 29th President of the U.S. is buried along with his wife and dog; over to the Marion Cemetary where he visited the temporary tomb of President Harding while the memorial above was being constructed. While in the Marion Cemetary, he also visited the WWII Memorial and had his picture take along with the names of 3 of Melanie's great uncles whose names are etched within the wall memorial. Then, we visited the Ripley's Believe It or Not, Revolving Granite Ball where he had his picture taken once again.
From there we visited the next cemetary, St. Mary's where Flat Stanley again got his picture take with a wooden cross that marks the grave of an early 1900's gypsy who is rumored to have lived in Marion. Then we ventured over to the other 4 corners of the Memorials for the Landmarks of Liberty Veteran's Memorial Park which has memorials for all the wars the U.S. has ever fought in along with the Marion County residents who fought in those wars. From there we drove across town to visite the Marion County Visitors Bureau where we picked up some brochures with more historical information of Marion County, sights to see, and things to do. I also purchased some postcards and a special memorabilia to accompany Flat Stanley on his visit back to my neice, Miss Melanie. The lady at the Visitor's Bureau said that the have had a lot of Flat Stanley's visit in the last four years and was wonderful with assisting us obtain information. I will be working on creating Flat Stanley's Travel Journal soon and will be getting the photographs of the day developed soon.
From there we visited the next cemetary, St. Mary's where Flat Stanley again got his picture take with a wooden cross that marks the grave of an early 1900's gypsy who is rumored to have lived in Marion. Then we ventured over to the other 4 corners of the Memorials for the Landmarks of Liberty Veteran's Memorial Park which has memorials for all the wars the U.S. has ever fought in along with the Marion County residents who fought in those wars. From there we drove across town to visite the Marion County Visitors Bureau where we picked up some brochures with more historical information of Marion County, sights to see, and things to do. I also purchased some postcards and a special memorabilia to accompany Flat Stanley on his visit back to my neice, Miss Melanie. The lady at the Visitor's Bureau said that the have had a lot of Flat Stanley's visit in the last four years and was wonderful with assisting us obtain information. I will be working on creating Flat Stanley's Travel Journal soon and will be getting the photographs of the day developed soon.
Day 3 of my TaeBo workouts.......
Whooo-hooo! What a workout! I'm feeling good and sweaty, LOL! I feel good that I'm sticking with this even though some muscle soreness is preventing me from doing the complete sets. I do what I can then walk in place when I simply cannot repeat one more. Hey, I at least I'm still moving. I didn't seem to notice the soreness from Day 1, wondering if soaking in the hot tub that night assisted with healing those muscles. May just have to try that tonight, as I'm feeling muscles I've forgotten I have. Blogging after excercise is great! It provides me an opportunity to cool down while my body cools although the fingers get a little sweaty too and it makes it difficult to hit some of the keys. You can blame all my typos on that, hehehe.
Well, I'm off of here for a bit. Got some catching up to do in some groups, re-check my email, and get started on the day ahead whatever adventures it may bring! Hope everyone is enjoying this gorgeous weather, at least it is gorgeous here in Ohio.
Well, I'm off of here for a bit. Got some catching up to do in some groups, re-check my email, and get started on the day ahead whatever adventures it may bring! Hope everyone is enjoying this gorgeous weather, at least it is gorgeous here in Ohio.
Staying focused....
I very proud of myself for staying focused on my goals. I made it through another day completing almost everything on my "to do list'. I didn't get started on Mel's Flat Stanley book;, scanning, uploading, and packaging the 14 ATC's, creating a card for the swap hostess, making sure everything was enclosed in the envy, ect. took a little longer than I expected it to. Of course, it paid off; I've everything I need ready to be taken to the P.O. today. Hopefully, I will remember to ask for stamps on the Priority package; they are wonderful to use in the journals and in artwork.
I managed to drink my water yesterday--- again more than the 64 oz. recomended. Also, Don & I ate healthy. After a short trip to the grocery store in the afternoon, I fixed a couple cheeseburgers on the grill for Don & I prior to him going in to work. While they were cooking, I boil some eggs for tuna fish salad sandwiches, cut up some fresh celery and pineapple; which we had for dinner while watching The Amazing Race and then, Blind Justice.
It is expected to be another beautiful day here in Ohio. Thin rain clouds are breaking up as they hit the dry air so no rain is expected until well after nightfall. I sure hope the weatherman is right about that one. Don & I worked in the front yard yesterday...... raking up a little of the remnants of the late fall leaves and a lot of tree branches from the winter's ice storms and wind we had from last week's wicked snowstorm. I noticed I have a few daffodils emerging, one is beginning to bloom, and the hyacinths will be blooming soon. Don is off work today, so hopefully that won't me off with my working out. I did notice I was a little sore in the evening, in a good way!
Maybe we'll get some mulch spread around the trees in the front today, work around in the back yard, spring cleaning it. I really need to clean out the watergarden.... yuck! but it has to be done. Possibly this evening we'll take a small ride over to Galion, to visit Dennis and Sheila this evening. We haven't seen them in a while. We'll I'm off to get me a cup of coffee, go sit on the rear deck in the cool morning air. I'll check back in later today.
I managed to drink my water yesterday--- again more than the 64 oz. recomended. Also, Don & I ate healthy. After a short trip to the grocery store in the afternoon, I fixed a couple cheeseburgers on the grill for Don & I prior to him going in to work. While they were cooking, I boil some eggs for tuna fish salad sandwiches, cut up some fresh celery and pineapple; which we had for dinner while watching The Amazing Race and then, Blind Justice.
It is expected to be another beautiful day here in Ohio. Thin rain clouds are breaking up as they hit the dry air so no rain is expected until well after nightfall. I sure hope the weatherman is right about that one. Don & I worked in the front yard yesterday...... raking up a little of the remnants of the late fall leaves and a lot of tree branches from the winter's ice storms and wind we had from last week's wicked snowstorm. I noticed I have a few daffodils emerging, one is beginning to bloom, and the hyacinths will be blooming soon. Don is off work today, so hopefully that won't me off with my working out. I did notice I was a little sore in the evening, in a good way!
Maybe we'll get some mulch spread around the trees in the front today, work around in the back yard, spring cleaning it. I really need to clean out the watergarden.... yuck! but it has to be done. Possibly this evening we'll take a small ride over to Galion, to visit Dennis and Sheila this evening. We haven't seen them in a while. We'll I'm off to get me a cup of coffee, go sit on the rear deck in the cool morning air. I'll check back in later today.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
On Target for my day's agenda.........
Well, I have managed to accomplish most of what I've set out to do today. Even discovered a little time to sit and relax with Terry Taylor's Altered Art Book, do some reading and skimming through it. Talk about eye candy! This book is sure to inspire!
I chatted with a friend I haven't seen in a while today. I had every intention of walking over to her mother's house to visit with her a bit this evening and see her newest family member, Dakato! However, when I called at 6, I got the answering machine so either someone is on the phone or they went out for dinner. Who knows though I may slide a little walk into my day yet! A nice break before I begin on Melanie's Flat Stanley Handmade Scrapbook maybe just the ticket...... although, I'm not against putting it on tomorrow's To Do List either, LOL! Hmmm, walk or create??? that is the question....
Ok, I decided. I'll create the handmade book for my neice...... give those hamstring a chance to heal, LOL! Man, that was almost too easy! Sccccaaarrrrrrrrryyyy..........
I've been preparing one of the journals for its next leg of the journey on the RR. Managed to get it packaged up and ready to go out in the mail tomorrow. I discovered an extra ATC, so I didn't need to create one for the Pay-It-Forward for the RAK ATC I received yesterday, however, I did create two for the Out Of Time! Swap so that I could get them scanned and uploaded before sending them off tomorrow.
I chatted with a friend I haven't seen in a while today. I had every intention of walking over to her mother's house to visit with her a bit this evening and see her newest family member, Dakato! However, when I called at 6, I got the answering machine so either someone is on the phone or they went out for dinner. Who knows though I may slide a little walk into my day yet! A nice break before I begin on Melanie's Flat Stanley Handmade Scrapbook maybe just the ticket...... although, I'm not against putting it on tomorrow's To Do List either, LOL! Hmmm, walk or create??? that is the question....
Ok, I decided. I'll create the handmade book for my neice...... give those hamstring a chance to heal, LOL! Man, that was almost too easy! Sccccaaarrrrrrrrryyyy..........
ALTERED ART Techniques for Creating Altered Books, Boxes, Cards & More by Terry Taylor
This is by far one of the best books on Mixed Media Artwork I’ve read since purchasing Claudine Hellmuth’s Collage Discovery Workshop last year. Filled with ideas, information on several different mediums, instructional materials and how-to information, this book offers some wonderful tips and techniques that will enable you to explore and discover yourself while creating your own artwork.
This book offers a little bit of everything and then some; from copyright information to creating altered books and mixed media collages, then on to altering tins, designing shrines and creating assemblages there is no end to the amazing artwork and inspiration featured within from the 95 contributing artists and designer’s. This book is certain to jumpstart your imagination and inspire you creatively.
This book offers a little bit of everything and then some; from copyright information to creating altered books and mixed media collages, then on to altering tins, designing shrines and creating assemblages there is no end to the amazing artwork and inspiration featured within from the 95 contributing artists and designer’s. This book is certain to jumpstart your imagination and inspire you creatively.
Congrats to me, TaeBo Day 2!
Decided to update once again while I'm cooling off and drinking my water. Whoo-hoo! What a workout! I definately tell the results from yesterday, lol, I felt the muscle burn a lot sooner and noticed a little tenderness in a few of my muscles, especially my hamstring which definately got stretched and yes, I have stomach muscles. ROFLOL, they are there just hidden under a roll. I discovered I'm again restless afterwards, must be the sweating.... I'm not particularly fond of yet, LOL!
I managed to make my bed up again afterwards, grabbed myself a bottle of cold water, freshen up a bit and here I sit, feeling good. I'm proud of myself! No thoughts of putting it off, just getting up and going. I know one day I'll pray for a day like this!
It is a gorgeous day outside today, I can hear the birds singing, the sun is shining and damn, do I ever feel good! I'm off to check my email, send a Thank You for the ATC RAK, and then on to cleaning out my dresser drawers and getting things put away. Since I had help keeping the laundry going yesterday, I've only one load of whites today and whatever else we may dirty up before days end. I'm so happy I'm getting "my act" together!
I managed to make my bed up again afterwards, grabbed myself a bottle of cold water, freshen up a bit and here I sit, feeling good. I'm proud of myself! No thoughts of putting it off, just getting up and going. I know one day I'll pray for a day like this!
It is a gorgeous day outside today, I can hear the birds singing, the sun is shining and damn, do I ever feel good! I'm off to check my email, send a Thank You for the ATC RAK, and then on to cleaning out my dresser drawers and getting things put away. Since I had help keeping the laundry going yesterday, I've only one load of whites today and whatever else we may dirty up before days end. I'm so happy I'm getting "my act" together!
On the Artistic side of Life........
I need to make it out to the studio this evening to package up one of the journals for the journal RR. I've decided to put it in a large plastic baggie to protect it from any water damage along its journey. I was impressed it arrived safely without any damage.
I also need to create a couple more, 3 or 4, ATC's to finish up an upcoming swap, plus the additional one for Christine. We decide adding one for one another when the swap is below 9 to exchange with one another will help us accumulate them a little faster. The Out of Time ATC swap is the one I haven't officially signed up for yet, LOL! It is being hosted by the same hostess as the Going Postal ATC, so I figured I send them both out at once. While I am at it, I need to create one for an RAK ATC I received in the mail yesterday; which reminds me to figure out who it was that actually sent it so I can email a "Thank You" and inform them a Pay It Forward return is being sent out.
I also am planning to get my butt to work on creating Flat Stanley's Handmade SB Book. I need to do a little a cleaning in the studio; putting back what I've drug out recently, and capture a picture or two of him visiting with me there. Melanie loved being in the studio with my sister & I while here on vacation last July; so seeing Flat Stanley there will be an additional surprise.
Well, as you can see there's quite a bit on the agenda today....... so I'm off of here to go workout and begin the day! I'm hopeful to upload some of my accomplishments by the end of the day and possibly post yet another. Ta-Ta for now........
I also need to create a couple more, 3 or 4, ATC's to finish up an upcoming swap, plus the additional one for Christine. We decide adding one for one another when the swap is below 9 to exchange with one another will help us accumulate them a little faster. The Out of Time ATC swap is the one I haven't officially signed up for yet, LOL! It is being hosted by the same hostess as the Going Postal ATC, so I figured I send them both out at once. While I am at it, I need to create one for an RAK ATC I received in the mail yesterday; which reminds me to figure out who it was that actually sent it so I can email a "Thank You" and inform them a Pay It Forward return is being sent out.
I also am planning to get my butt to work on creating Flat Stanley's Handmade SB Book. I need to do a little a cleaning in the studio; putting back what I've drug out recently, and capture a picture or two of him visiting with me there. Melanie loved being in the studio with my sister & I while here on vacation last July; so seeing Flat Stanley there will be an additional surprise.
Well, as you can see there's quite a bit on the agenda today....... so I'm off of here to go workout and begin the day! I'm hopeful to upload some of my accomplishments by the end of the day and possibly post yet another. Ta-Ta for now........
Things that make you go "hmmm...."
I am all for giving credit where credit is due, however, what is one to do when giving credit is inadequate and more confusing? I discovered this yesterday re: the quote many of thought was by Geothe. It was shared by a friend who is a member of a Calligraphy guild: "Acording to the Goethe Society of North America it is not actually from Goethe.They attribute part of it to John Anster in a "very free translation" of Faust.They also attribute the quote in the larger context to W.H. Murray In "TheScottish Himalayan Expedition". I guess I now understand why there are so many "unknown" quotations about. Ah, well, I still plan to use it for my private artist journal, possibly putting unknown for the credit.
Yesterday was a great day! I began my TaeBo workout once again, only to discover what a great energy boost it was. I was zipping around here like crazy afterwards. I striped our bed of all the sheets and blankets, got those washed up and hung outside, then proceeded to "Spring clean" our bedroom. I made it through half of it before I got distracted, with the rest of my housework, LOL! Our bedroom is actually two rooms, we remodeled a year ago, putting in a header in a main wall, opening it up so when I say "halfway" it is quite an accomplishment actually. Don & I had an early lunch and an early dinner, thanks tocooking out on the grill and the use of the crockpot, which allowed me more time to accomplish what I set out to do. I also managed to drank well over my 8 - 8 oz. glasses of water; put my clean bed linens back on the bed; and enjoy a nice, hot, relaxing soak in the hot tub. All of which helped me sleep like a baby! I love the smell of sheets dried outdoors, even if I do toss them in the drier briefly to remove any remaining wrinkles and soften them up a bit more; today I feel great!
On today's agenda besides the TaeBo, is to clean out my dresser drawers of all reminants of winter clothing, I'm packing them up and moving them to the spare bedroom; starting a box of unwanteds to donate to either Goodwill or the Salvation Army. I believe I'll save my closet for tomorrow to avoid burning myself out. A little picking up, vacuaming and dusting will keep things in order.
I wanted to start walking again yesterday but I didn't manage to work it in so today I'm considering it. It is amazing how much you notice in your own neighborhood when walking vs. driving through it. There signs of spring everywhere; maybe I'll grab my camera today and shoot some pics.
Yesterday was a great day! I began my TaeBo workout once again, only to discover what a great energy boost it was. I was zipping around here like crazy afterwards. I striped our bed of all the sheets and blankets, got those washed up and hung outside, then proceeded to "Spring clean" our bedroom. I made it through half of it before I got distracted, with the rest of my housework, LOL! Our bedroom is actually two rooms, we remodeled a year ago, putting in a header in a main wall, opening it up so when I say "halfway" it is quite an accomplishment actually. Don & I had an early lunch and an early dinner, thanks tocooking out on the grill and the use of the crockpot, which allowed me more time to accomplish what I set out to do. I also managed to drank well over my 8 - 8 oz. glasses of water; put my clean bed linens back on the bed; and enjoy a nice, hot, relaxing soak in the hot tub. All of which helped me sleep like a baby! I love the smell of sheets dried outdoors, even if I do toss them in the drier briefly to remove any remaining wrinkles and soften them up a bit more; today I feel great!
On today's agenda besides the TaeBo, is to clean out my dresser drawers of all reminants of winter clothing, I'm packing them up and moving them to the spare bedroom; starting a box of unwanteds to donate to either Goodwill or the Salvation Army. I believe I'll save my closet for tomorrow to avoid burning myself out. A little picking up, vacuaming and dusting will keep things in order.
I wanted to start walking again yesterday but I didn't manage to work it in so today I'm considering it. It is amazing how much you notice in your own neighborhood when walking vs. driving through it. There signs of spring everywhere; maybe I'll grab my camera today and shoot some pics.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Just completed my workout!
NOW I remember why it is called "working" out, LMAO! I'm a little out of breath and definately out of shape. Man, do my muscles ever burn. It's a good burn though, it feels good. I'm already more energetic, well, give me a minute, LOL! It is funny I never realized just how much I missed this until now.
I used to do TaeBo daily until my car accident in May 1999. I tried getting back into a year ago however, I couldn't keep my balance on my right leg and my ankle simply wouldn't hold me. Feeling frustrated I gave up. Dumb mistake. Anyways, I noticed today I've a lot more balance; not where it was pre-accident but more than last year. Just think what I'll gain should I stay with this. Damn, that feels good! Off to cool down and get another glass of water. I need to start on my housework soon so off this computer I go! :)
I used to do TaeBo daily until my car accident in May 1999. I tried getting back into a year ago however, I couldn't keep my balance on my right leg and my ankle simply wouldn't hold me. Feeling frustrated I gave up. Dumb mistake. Anyways, I noticed today I've a lot more balance; not where it was pre-accident but more than last year. Just think what I'll gain should I stay with this. Damn, that feels good! Off to cool down and get another glass of water. I need to start on my housework soon so off this computer I go! :)
What a nit-wit....
In my haste to discuss all my thoughts, feelings, what I've been up to, LOL! I forgot all about the "synchronicity" I spoke of. Which was, by the way, where I intended my post to go......
I love it when you finally make a or some decisions and motivating things begin to start coming at you. A member of a group shared this complete quote; I felt it was perfect for the phase I'm in and the artistic goals I desire to establish.
"Until one is commited there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness
concerning all acts of initiative and creation.There is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issue from the decision raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin in now."
I believe I'm going to print out a few copies of this. One for my bedroom mirror and another to put in my studio. The studio version will be perfect to put into a 3 ring binder as an intro for an artist's journal. I've been desiring to start another one to keep track of my progress while working on my "A Day in May". Isn't it just perfect?
I love it when you finally make a or some decisions and motivating things begin to start coming at you. A member of a group shared this complete quote; I felt it was perfect for the phase I'm in and the artistic goals I desire to establish.
"Until one is commited there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness
concerning all acts of initiative and creation.There is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issue from the decision raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin in now."
I believe I'm going to print out a few copies of this. One for my bedroom mirror and another to put in my studio. The studio version will be perfect to put into a 3 ring binder as an intro for an artist's journal. I've been desiring to start another one to keep track of my progress while working on my "A Day in May". Isn't it just perfect?
I love it when you make a decision in life to do somethings, whether it is to complete an old task, begin something new, or simply make some changes in your lifestyle and the pieces of the puzzles begin to start falling in your lap. Lately, I've been thinking about tying up the loose ends in my life so I can get on with the things I still desire to begin. After a lot of deep soul-searching and brainstorming on how to do some the things I desire to do, things are beginning to come into my life that a pushing me along that path.
Some of the goals that I've thinking about, and are more personal in nature, is thinking about my health. Drinking more water, excercising once again, getting more restful sleep; simply taking better care of myself. I dug out my workout outfit, and plan to start back up doing my Tae-Bo. I loved working out with that tape, 20 minutes of exercise doesn't seem like 20 minutes once you get going with it again. I believe the fact that you're moving helps, LOL! Don usually does his errands in the a.m. shortly after rising so this will provide me with the perfect time of day so I'm starting today! As for drinking more water, 8 oz. really isn't that much, and 8 oz. a day; well, I figured out if I drank a glass with morning coffee, meals, and one at night before retiring I'll have that one covered. I'm certain once I begin working out again, am well- hydrated, and work on other projects/goals I have, my sleeplessness will improve as well. Decreasing my weight is another {although I'm only 10 lbs. over where I should be; I know I'd not only feel better but look and feel that way too.}I also plan to cut back on my smoking, at least until I am ready to quit. Don't want to bite so much that I won't stick with any of this.
Little things I've been making more of conscious effort to do is simply pampering myself more. A weekly facial, manicure and pedicure 2x a week. I'm finding this is really boosting my self-esteem and making me more motivated to accomplish the things in life I'm hopeful to accomplish. I've also been thinking of a new hair style, a lot shorter than I usually wear my hair, and since spring is here and summer's on the way, the timing is perfect for that.
Yesterday, Don & I went out to do a little shopping. New socks and shoes for him, a pair of shorts. He definately is in need of some clothing in the shorts and jeans departments. He's so self-sacrificing, putting my wants and desires before his own. So off we went. We found everything we desired to for him and he asked me if I'd like to go to Prism, Stampland, SB Art. I couldn't believe it when I said, "No. I have so much art stuff now, {not that you can ever have too much, LOL!}, what I'd really like is a new purse and a wallet." It was there that the search began. In and out of several stores, not finding what I wanted or at least envisioned, we decided to go further into Columbus and check out a new store. Not only did I find the purse I wanted... a leather turquoise Tignanello; I found two wallets, an Oscar deis Reita Scarf, and an entire outfit! My family and friends will be happy to hear, it wasn't my normal jeans and T-shirt but a beautiful light turquoise skort, sleeveless white sweater, and a matching turquoise jacket. So not me, but I loved them! Of course, you cannot buy a complete outfit and not pick up shoes we also got me a pair of dressier sandals. I feel good about the purchases I made; knowing I'll have a nice outfit for summer weddings, graduations, going out for dinner at a nice restuarant, etc. Oh, and to not sound like a total, selfish, bi*ch, we did pick Don up a couple nice shirts. Casual enough to be worn with jeans and button up to be worn with dress pants. Why does men's clothing sound so versatile? And why is shopping for him so much easier than shopping for me? I bet, well, I know I tried on at least 3 outfits before I found the skort that I liked. Ok, on me and not just on the hanger. I also discovered if you really want to get serious about losing some weight and getting in shape, shopping and trying on clothes will definate motivate you!
Some of the goals that I've thinking about, and are more personal in nature, is thinking about my health. Drinking more water, excercising once again, getting more restful sleep; simply taking better care of myself. I dug out my workout outfit, and plan to start back up doing my Tae-Bo. I loved working out with that tape, 20 minutes of exercise doesn't seem like 20 minutes once you get going with it again. I believe the fact that you're moving helps, LOL! Don usually does his errands in the a.m. shortly after rising so this will provide me with the perfect time of day so I'm starting today! As for drinking more water, 8 oz. really isn't that much, and 8 oz. a day; well, I figured out if I drank a glass with morning coffee, meals, and one at night before retiring I'll have that one covered. I'm certain once I begin working out again, am well- hydrated, and work on other projects/goals I have, my sleeplessness will improve as well. Decreasing my weight is another {although I'm only 10 lbs. over where I should be; I know I'd not only feel better but look and feel that way too.}I also plan to cut back on my smoking, at least until I am ready to quit. Don't want to bite so much that I won't stick with any of this.
Little things I've been making more of conscious effort to do is simply pampering myself more. A weekly facial, manicure and pedicure 2x a week. I'm finding this is really boosting my self-esteem and making me more motivated to accomplish the things in life I'm hopeful to accomplish. I've also been thinking of a new hair style, a lot shorter than I usually wear my hair, and since spring is here and summer's on the way, the timing is perfect for that.
Yesterday, Don & I went out to do a little shopping. New socks and shoes for him, a pair of shorts. He definately is in need of some clothing in the shorts and jeans departments. He's so self-sacrificing, putting my wants and desires before his own. So off we went. We found everything we desired to for him and he asked me if I'd like to go to Prism, Stampland, SB Art. I couldn't believe it when I said, "No. I have so much art stuff now, {not that you can ever have too much, LOL!}, what I'd really like is a new purse and a wallet." It was there that the search began. In and out of several stores, not finding what I wanted or at least envisioned, we decided to go further into Columbus and check out a new store. Not only did I find the purse I wanted... a leather turquoise Tignanello; I found two wallets, an Oscar deis Reita Scarf, and an entire outfit! My family and friends will be happy to hear, it wasn't my normal jeans and T-shirt but a beautiful light turquoise skort, sleeveless white sweater, and a matching turquoise jacket. So not me, but I loved them! Of course, you cannot buy a complete outfit and not pick up shoes we also got me a pair of dressier sandals. I feel good about the purchases I made; knowing I'll have a nice outfit for summer weddings, graduations, going out for dinner at a nice restuarant, etc. Oh, and to not sound like a total, selfish, bi*ch, we did pick Don up a couple nice shirts. Casual enough to be worn with jeans and button up to be worn with dress pants. Why does men's clothing sound so versatile? And why is shopping for him so much easier than shopping for me? I bet, well, I know I tried on at least 3 outfits before I found the skort that I liked. Ok, on me and not just on the hanger. I also discovered if you really want to get serious about losing some weight and getting in shape, shopping and trying on clothes will definate motivate you!

After painting the little black book on Saturday night, it looked so naked to me. I couldn't resis adding at least one element to it. Although this piece isn't adhered, it is the first time I've created this design idea, so I played around with it a bit. I plan to re-do it, fine-tuning it before I actually adhere it to one of the pages.

Saturday, April 02, 2005
The Little Black Book....
The book wasn't black when I found it at Hallo's. In fact, it was a green vintage looking heavy book board with all these neat indexes. Chris was flipping out over it as much as I was and at first I thought it would be a fight to the finish to see was actually going to take it home, LOL! We decided to purchase it, and divide it up knowing we'd alter it and junk it up in some crazy way. Upon reaching the car I dug the dividers out and separated them on the way to Pat Catans. I was shocked that even divided we both ended up with 25 of these babies all in sequence of the indexed tabs.
I've been collecting supplies for a B&W Time themed book to create and today got aroung to brainstorming for ideas, content, and book structure when I remember this awesome found object. So out to the studio I ventured, through the blowing wind and snow! to unearth this treasure. While there I decide to go ahead and gather up all the supplies I've been saving and purchased for the project think I'll get it all put together so I can work on it on National Scrapbook Day and the retreat Chris and I will be attending for that weekend. I got all excited digging out the supplies, my mind racing with all the possiblilities and ideas I have for this theme. Since the divider indexes are approx. 4"x6", I decided I'd like to create some interactive pages such as pocket pages, tags, envelopes, mini-books! {accordian, folds, file folders, etc.} After sorting all the supplies I gathered, I painted the divided index boards completely black. While they were drying I got online and researched for content, saying quotes, and phrases to include. I'm very pleased with what I've found and I've knock out one more thing that will keep me from accomplishing my "One day in May" studio visits! Whoo-hooo!
I've been collecting supplies for a B&W Time themed book to create and today got aroung to brainstorming for ideas, content, and book structure when I remember this awesome found object. So out to the studio I ventured, through the blowing wind and snow! to unearth this treasure. While there I decide to go ahead and gather up all the supplies I've been saving and purchased for the project think I'll get it all put together so I can work on it on National Scrapbook Day and the retreat Chris and I will be attending for that weekend. I got all excited digging out the supplies, my mind racing with all the possiblilities and ideas I have for this theme. Since the divider indexes are approx. 4"x6", I decided I'd like to create some interactive pages such as pocket pages, tags, envelopes, mini-books! {accordian, folds, file folders, etc.} After sorting all the supplies I gathered, I painted the divided index boards completely black. While they were drying I got online and researched for content, saying quotes, and phrases to include. I'm very pleased with what I've found and I've knock out one more thing that will keep me from accomplishing my "One day in May" studio visits! Whoo-hooo!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Good Intentions....
Normally, I look forward to Friday's, but today, I'm in a lazy mode. I had every intention to get out to the studio to create one more set of pages for the Journal RR, do a little more organizing, so that I could get started on creating my neice's Flat Stanley book. Somehow, I never managed to make it out there. Here I sit, comfy and cozy {yep, still in my pj's, LOL!} enjoying a lazy day. I'm seriously considering a nap. I think the sleeplessness I've been experiencing is catching up with me; which makes this laziness I'm experiencing at least a guilt-free experience. Aw well, there is always tomorrow.... and I could always enjoy another pot of coffee, although I think a half a pot would do the trick and have decided to wait until at least early evening.
I have been keeping a journal regarding what I've been up to so that I pick and choose some of the content for Melanie's handmade SB on Flat Stanley's visit. Created a list of thinks to get photographs of, things to include, places to visit, memorabilia to obtain. I really want this to be a pleasurable and exciting experience for her. My sister, Mary, called today and was excited to inform Melanie that Flat Stanley had indeed arrived. Don & I thinking of visiting the COSI Titanic exhibit on Sunday if the weather doesn't allow for some outdoor local traveling. Of course, Flat Stanley will go along on whatever adventure we decide to take.
I was really hopeful that I would try to do the daily visit to the studio for the next 30 days. This is something I've been really thinking about lately. Making more of a commitment to my creating. There are so many things I desire to do.... to experiment with, but really tapping into expressing more of myself, my thoughts, my feelings into my artwork is the most important to me. I was thinking last night, in that moment just before you drift off to sleep, that in order for me to really do this I need to establish more of a routine, a daily routine. Of course, I can always justify my actions with "there is always tomorrow" to get started, which makes getting up and actually going that much more difficult to get started. Which leads me to why I do this... I think I simply have too much going on to actually stick with it right now, so my new goal is to finish up the loose ends of the projects I've got going, get the Spring cleaning done in my home --- which I've been tackling a little a time similar to getting all my art supplies put away--- in smaller segments and blocks of time. I really think that by waiting until I tie up some of these items, I'd be wasting my time because I don't believe I'd stick to it. Maybe, I should simply wait and try this in May, LOL! A month should provide me with the time I need to finish all these loose ends up.
I have been keeping a journal regarding what I've been up to so that I pick and choose some of the content for Melanie's handmade SB on Flat Stanley's visit. Created a list of thinks to get photographs of, things to include, places to visit, memorabilia to obtain. I really want this to be a pleasurable and exciting experience for her. My sister, Mary, called today and was excited to inform Melanie that Flat Stanley had indeed arrived. Don & I thinking of visiting the COSI Titanic exhibit on Sunday if the weather doesn't allow for some outdoor local traveling. Of course, Flat Stanley will go along on whatever adventure we decide to take.
I was really hopeful that I would try to do the daily visit to the studio for the next 30 days. This is something I've been really thinking about lately. Making more of a commitment to my creating. There are so many things I desire to do.... to experiment with, but really tapping into expressing more of myself, my thoughts, my feelings into my artwork is the most important to me. I was thinking last night, in that moment just before you drift off to sleep, that in order for me to really do this I need to establish more of a routine, a daily routine. Of course, I can always justify my actions with "there is always tomorrow" to get started, which makes getting up and actually going that much more difficult to get started. Which leads me to why I do this... I think I simply have too much going on to actually stick with it right now, so my new goal is to finish up the loose ends of the projects I've got going, get the Spring cleaning done in my home --- which I've been tackling a little a time similar to getting all my art supplies put away--- in smaller segments and blocks of time. I really think that by waiting until I tie up some of these items, I'd be wasting my time because I don't believe I'd stick to it. Maybe, I should simply wait and try this in May, LOL! A month should provide me with the time I need to finish all these loose ends up.
Journals RR
I received my first Journal in the mail Thursday. It's so exciting to be a part of this RR, to see everyone's journal pages, intro's, themes, sign ins, and artwork created to set the mood. I managed to work in one of the journals immediately; hopefully, doing so will get it close to be back on track with the established mailing schedule. It was a little late getting mailed due a participant's health but definately worth the wait!
I played with my new stamps! Purchased on Chris's & mine road trip on Monday. I wasn't too sure at first re: how I was going to tie in a Cigar theme into the collage and stick with an Art Idea theme. As I was browsing online for an image cigar related in the public works, I got a lot a results when I finally went to searching for tobacco. Some unrelated to images however it inspired me seeing items of clothing, sunglasses, etc. that were "tobacco colors". That was when it hit me, to use Tobacco Brown colors to work into the art idea. To me, "tobacco brown" is the perfect name for the golden tans to dark, rich browns used in vintage collage photographs so I ran with it, LOL! It pulled my images and collage together with the theme of an art idea.
My next collage, I sort of stumbled upon. I desired to add a background technique to a sheet of the participants paper provided within the Journal RR. Since the pages are 6x9, I decided to do a Monoprinting Technique, which lead me to include the instructions for the "how to" re-create it. I included a collage to keep with the original artist's theme.
Stuck for an idea to add to the next series of pages, I decided to attack the concept of "Creative Block" I feel it is a concept all artist's experience at one time or another and it tied in with the Art Idea so I addressed how I handle it. I firmly believe that creative block is an important element in the creative process. It allows me to establish an end to the busyness of creating, a place to rest, to regroup, to re-coup. It is the perfect time to do some organizing from the chaos of frenzied creating phase, to do some research for future artwork, take a day to look for found objects, and do some shopping!
I played with my new stamps! Purchased on Chris's & mine road trip on Monday. I wasn't too sure at first re: how I was going to tie in a Cigar theme into the collage and stick with an Art Idea theme. As I was browsing online for an image cigar related in the public works, I got a lot a results when I finally went to searching for tobacco. Some unrelated to images however it inspired me seeing items of clothing, sunglasses, etc. that were "tobacco colors". That was when it hit me, to use Tobacco Brown colors to work into the art idea. To me, "tobacco brown" is the perfect name for the golden tans to dark, rich browns used in vintage collage photographs so I ran with it, LOL! It pulled my images and collage together with the theme of an art idea.
My next collage, I sort of stumbled upon. I desired to add a background technique to a sheet of the participants paper provided within the Journal RR. Since the pages are 6x9, I decided to do a Monoprinting Technique, which lead me to include the instructions for the "how to" re-create it. I included a collage to keep with the original artist's theme.
Stuck for an idea to add to the next series of pages, I decided to attack the concept of "Creative Block" I feel it is a concept all artist's experience at one time or another and it tied in with the Art Idea so I addressed how I handle it. I firmly believe that creative block is an important element in the creative process. It allows me to establish an end to the busyness of creating, a place to rest, to regroup, to re-coup. It is the perfect time to do some organizing from the chaos of frenzied creating phase, to do some research for future artwork, take a day to look for found objects, and do some shopping!

This is the reverse side of the Creative Block page. I discusses my hunt for found objects. I enclosed some within the small hidden treasures envy and the mini-book contains journaling I wrote some time ago for a handmade book I titled, "The Dreams Within". Using the mini-book allowed me to write a lot of content in a small amount of space.

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